How to Explain AcuGraph to Patients: A Simple, Effective Script 5/5 (1)

Struggling to explain AcuGraph results to patients? This guide provides a simple, effective script to help practitioners confidently discuss graph readings, address common patient concerns, and build trust. Plus, download a free printable version to use in your clinic! Read more

Why Do AcuGraph Readings Seem Inconsistent? 5/5 (2)

Why Do AcuGraph Readings Seem Inconsistent? AcuGraph provides real-time insights into the body's energetic state, but energy is always shifting. Patients may feel better even if their graph still shows imbalances—or vice versa. This happens because acupuncture influences Qi flow first, energy fluctuates based on external factors, and the body heals in its own priority order. Understanding these patterns helps practitioners guide patients through the healing process with confidence. Learn how to explain inconsistencies, track progress over time, and use AcuGraph as a powerful diagnostic tool. Read more

Part 4: What to Expect During the Healing Journey: Tackling Messy Graphs with Confidence 5/5 (5)

If there’s one thing every acupuncturist has experienced, it’s the patient who walks into your clinic with a major problem and an impossible timeline. They’re leaving for vacation in a week, they’ve got excruciating sciatic pain radiating down their leg, and they’re hoping you’ll fix it in one or two treatments. Sound familiar? Read more

Part 3: Discover the Pain BEFORE the Pain: Uncovering the Secrets Behind Lower Back Pain 5/5 (6)

Let’s talk about lower back pain. If you’ve been practicing acupuncture for any amount of time, you know it’s one of the most common complaints patients bring to your clinic. They walk in, fill out their paperwork, and pour their energy into describing their lower back problem. But here’s the kicker: patients don’t always give you all the information you need. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t think certain details are relevant. Other times, they’ve lived with their original nagging aches and pains for so long that they forget they exist. Read more

Using Gunalight and CES Ultra to combat Blue Monday blues.

Blue Monday: The “Worst” Day of the Year and How to Brighten It 5/5 (6)

Ah, Blue Monday. The third Monday of January, crowned by pop culture as the "most depressing day of the year." Cue the dramatic sighs and extra coffee breaks. But is Blue Monday really the emotional black hole it's made out to be, or is it just a marketing gimmick wrapped in a blanket of seasonal gloom? Let's dive in and explore how mental health takes a hit this time of year—and how tools like Gunalight and CES Ultra can throw us a lifeline. Read more

Part 2: The Difference Between Dry Needling and Meridian Therapy: A New Perspective 5/5 (9)

Dry needling: Just the term sparks heated controversy in the acupuncture world. Physical therapists and other healthcare providers are claiming it as part of their scope, leaving acupuncturists feeling frustrated and even offended. Worse yet, when dry needling fails to provide long-term results, people walk away thinking acupuncture doesn’t work either. It's a problem. But what if we flipped the script? Read more

Using AcuGraph

Part 1: Why All the Other Therapies Aren’t Working: How AcuGraph Sets You Apart 5/5 (9)

Picture this: A patient walks into your clinic. They’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and running out of hope. They’ve tried everything. Pain relievers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic care—even surgery. None of it worked. Someone, somewhere, mentioned acupuncture as a last resort. And now, here they are, sitting in front of you, looking for answers. What do you do? Read more

AcuGraph Patient Communication

Introduction: The AcuGraph Patient Education Series: Communicating Health and Healing Through AcuGraph 5/5 (11)

In this patient communication series, I’m pulling back the curtain on my clinic. I’m going to share some of the most powerful and transformative conversations I’ve had with my patients—conversations you’ve probably had too. But here’s the difference: I’ll teach you how to dig deeper, uncovering the inner wisdom of AcuGraph to take those conversations to the next level. Read more

Trauma & Release: Strategies for Helping Stuck Patients 5/5 (10)

Hello Friends! Today I’ve got good news and bad news.  The good news is that our webinar on Trauma and Release was really good. One of our best, in fact! We heard great ideas and experience from Drs. Kimberly Thompson and Kenzie Agnew, as well as yours truly. We also enjoyed the special treat of hearing from Dr. David Mitts regarding his work at Destiny Restoration Center (—a non-profit foundation he an his wife formed... Read more

Behind the Scenes of AcuGraph: A Glimpse into Expert Dialogue with Dr. Jake Fratkin 5/5 (4)

Hello Friends! Have you ever had the experience of overhearing someone saying something nice about you? Doesn’t it feel great? I just had the virtual equivalent of the “overheard complement” when I got copied on an email exchange between the legendary Dr. Jake Fratkin and one of his students who asked him about AcuGraph. I’d like to share this email exchange with you! Here are the relevant portions of that exchange, shared with his permission:... Read more

Dr. Larsen on Qiological Podcast 4.33/5 (3)

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Michael Max, proprietor of the popular Qiological podcast. It was a total blast and we had a great time talking about acupuncture, gadgets, my childhood robot, classic British cars, acupuncture on infants, business philosophy, instant gratification and more. Click below to check out one of the best conversations I’ve had in a long time! Please rate this Please Rate This Post: Read more

Enhancing Precision in Practice with an Acupuncture Points Chart 5/5 (3)

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), relies heavily on the precise application of techniques at specific points on the body. For practitioners, especially those new to the field or looking to refine their skills, understanding and accurately locating these points is crucial.  This comprehensive guide dives into the world of acupuncture points charts, highlighting essential tools and resources that can significantly enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your treatments. Here’s a closer look... Read more

Benefits of Integrating an Acupuncture Measurement Tool in Your Practice 5/5 (2)

Acupuncture is a precision-driven practice that hinges on the correct identification and manipulation of specific points on the body.  For practitioners, having the right tools at their disposal is not just a matter of convenience but a fundamental aspect of effective treatment. Among these tools, those designed for accurate measurement and location of acupuncture points are particularly vital.  This article explores essential acupuncture measurement tools that can significantly enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your... Read more

Finding Calm in a Chaotic World with Natural Anxiety Relief 5/5 (2)

Are you one of the many seeking a peaceful night's sleep but find yourself tossing and turning?  Insomnia can be a challenging condition, but there's good news. With a combination of good sleep hygiene, natural sleep aids, and the latest in Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) devices, you can take control of your sleep right at home.  Read more