Don’t forget to finish your CEU’s! 5/5 (36)

1Don’t be SO busy that you forget to complete your CEU credits!   

As an Exercise Physiologist I have to renew mine every 2 years…not long ago I forgot about the CEU requirements! What did I do? Yep, you guessed it, I pleaded, threatened, begged and stomped around like a 5 year old! Did it work? NO…I had to retake the exam!

It would have been MUCH easier to just complete the available online CEU’s!

Learn from my MISTAKE! Order one of our Professional CEU programs today…save $50 by clicking on one of the CEU packages below!

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2Want to Lower your 2012 Tax bill?  

NOW is the time to invest in Business Equipment & Software!iStock_000013192495XSmall

IRS code Section 179 allows you to deduct from your taxable income the entire cost* of business equipment purchased in 2012. An AcuGraph system qualifies under this section, and the tax deduction effectively reduces your cost by a substantial amount. In fact, by using this tax “loophole” you can  save 15-20% on your AcuGraph purchase by reducing your tax bill!

Have you been waiting for a discount on your AcuGraph? If you’re a financially savvy practitioner, you’ll immediately recognize that saving 15-20% is the BEST discount of the year!

Don’t delay…you’ve just a few days left to invest before the end of the year! Click here to order yours!


*Consult your tax professional for the best way to maximize your savings.


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Alan Gifford MS, Practice Coach

For 20 years, Alan worked in the corporate world as a director of sales and marketing. He made a career change in 2003, returning to complete his Masters degree in Exercise and Wellness from Arizona State University. As a marketer and Exercise Physiologist, Alan spent the next four years working with Healthcare practitioners to increase patient volume, satisfaction and retention. He now works directly with clients of Miridia Technology to promote their practice and patient experience. In addition to English, he is fluent in Spanish and assists in developing our Latin-market presence.

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