I don’t own an airplane. Investing in an airplane only makes sense if you use it to do what it’s designed to do–fly! Otherwise, it’s just an expensive toy that sits in the hangar, gathering dust. I don’t know how to fly an airplane, and I don’t own one.
Would you buy an airplane if you didn’t know how to fly it? I once saw a video of a guy who did this with a helicopter. He bought it and just couldn’t wait to try it out. You can guess the result…
You Want to Fly
When it comes to investing in your Acupuncture Practice, it’s not just about buying a piece of equipment. Just as the true value of an airplane is only realized when it’s airborne, the true value of your AcuGraph investment is only realized when you have the training you need to make it fly, so to speak.
When we developed the first version of AcuGraph in 2003, it was a great tool. Do an exam, get a graph–pretty basic, but useful nonetheless. And training? It came with a manual.
As AcuGraph has evolved with greater capability and value, we’ve also added additional training resources: videos, seminars, blog entries, and even personal coaching. The point is that AcuGraph is a high performance aircraft that will help your practice soar–but only if you know how to use it. And without proper training, it’s just a really nice airplane sitting in the hanger.
More Value than Ever Before!
And THAT, my friends, is why I’m so excited about our new AcuGraph system packages. ALL our AcuGraph packages now include incredible training that will get you up and flying fast. Options include all the following, depending on your needs:
- Video boot camp
- AcuGraph e-Course
- Seminar Series (with CE credits!)
- AcuGraph Case Studies Textbook
- Personal Coaching
- Personal Case Consultations
- Concierge Installation and Setup
- Patient Education Tools
- Advanced Marketing Training
- And More…
What’s even better? The combined packages save you LOTS of money! In the past, our users purchased AcuGraph, realized they needed training, and purchased it separately within a few months. Those who got the most training, got the most benefit from their AcuGraph investment. But they also spent the most, and had to do it in multiple purchases.
Who wants to invest in equipment only to find they also need to invest in training they hadn’t planned on? With our new, integrated packages, you get everything you need up front, and save money doing it! Equipment, training, coaching–it’s all there to guarantee your success!
Taking Off
If you haven’t yet made your practice investment in AcuGraph, there’s no better time than now! Your package is positioned on the runway and ready for take off. We have equipment and training packages tailored to every need and every budget. We’ll even design a custom package for you!
Is your practice ready for takeoff?
– -> Click Here to See the AcuGraph Packages <- –
Yo tengo el software desde hace 3 años. Requiero tener información constante y novedades. Además hago acupuntura laser desde hace 12 años.
Gracias por su colaboración. Os mantendremos actualizada sobre todos los nuevos productos y noticias. Por favor, comparta con nosotros su experiencia en acupuntura láser.