This week Dr. Larsen is out of town, so we thought while he’s not here to stop us, we’d dig up and share a few gems from the archives:
Now there is a point to showing you these pictures of Dr. Larsen from around 20 years ago: today we are announcing a free new update to Auriculo 3D, and are reflecting on what it means to grow up.
Way back in October of 2009 we introduced Auriculo PC 1.0 – the first version of our groundbreaking auriculotherapy reference software. At the time, it was the very best offering on the market, including treatment protocols covering everything from alcoholism to wrist pain.

We couldn’t stop there – it wasn’t good enough. So a year later in October of 2010, we released Auriculo PC 2.0, and then in May of 2012 we released Auriculo 3D. With each new release came a ton of new features, and today Auriculo 3D is by far the very best auricular reference library.
But … We’ve said THAT before.

We continue to improve this fantastic product. Today we are announcing the availability of version 3.0.7 of Auriculo 3D, which is free to all Auriculo 3D owners. This update provides a few minor fixes and some stability improvements and is recommended for all Auriculo 3D users. To get the update, simply launch Auriculo 3D while your computer is connected to the internet, and follow the upgrade instructions. Alternatively, you can download the update manually here.
So, what does it mean to grow up? To us, it means we continue to improve. And, in the case of Dr. Larsen’s pictures, it means we get some color:
I own Acugraph 4 and would like to download the free update.
Maria, here’s the link to download the update.
Just scroll down past the instructional videos and you’ll see the link for PC or Mac.