Do you know that Headaches rank in the top 20 for most disabling medical illnesses?

More than 90% of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during their headaches.
The Western Medical world tells us: “Headaches can be managed with proper diagnosis and medication.” Well, “management” comes with some pretty uncomfortable side effects: “sleepiness and fatigue, racing heartbeat, nausea, difficulty thinking, nausea, gross motor control. Other less frequently mentioned side effects included dizziness, muscle weakness, chest pressure, and warm sensations.” WebMd
Eastern Medicine has shown us a better way…as the following case studies illustrate.
Headache Results: Here’s a great case I wanted to pass on:
I had one of my best responses to auriculotherapy yesterday at the close of my day. My receptionist complained of a headache. Typically, I would have adjusted her and worked on her neck muscles through massage and trigger points, but instead I grabbed my Stimplus pro and the Auriculo 3D protocol for headache.

I started on her right ear, and she told me that while treating points, the pain would go away, but then when the point treatment stopped, it came right back. She said it was like I was flipping a switch. I continued to search and treat points, and within 3 minutes, the pain was gone completely on the right side of her head, but still present on the left.
I then went to the left side and repeated the treatment. The points were more tender in the left ear, but again, in a couple of minutes, the pain was completely gone. I placed small beads on the Shen Men points bilaterally… and that was the end of her headache for the rest of the night. She did not have a headache today.
I was amazed, and happy to have the experience in the office. I am using it more often, and I am finding that the responses are very quick.
Thanks for helping me to learn more of these techniques.
Dr. Larsen,
I have been using the auriculotherapy for about three months now and have been very pleased with the addition. I have added ear treatments to every patient that I have seen, and on each visit.
I use the StimPlus Pro to find active points regardless of the intended treatment. I then treat all active points.
Sometimes this is only two or three points, sometimes up to ten points.The results have been nothing short of outstanding.
I’m finding that my treatment success rate has increased to the point where I feel confident in treating just about anything. As a matter of fact, I am seeing patients for fewer consecutive treatments and getting better results consistently. My referral rate has had a boost because of this also.
Last night I finished up with a patient that had stubborn neck/shoulder pain. He had tried chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture previously with very little success. His wife was my patient already and her sleep issues were rectified in five treatments including the auriculotherapy, so she referred him to me.
After his first treatment he was pain free for three days (all of his other therapy had given him an hour or two of relief at best.) I did five treatments, over a two week period, and he was out of pain for most of this time.
I also ran two Acugraph readings on him using the Tsing points. On his initial visit, before treatment his PIE score was a 37. When he left last night it was an 85. He is now scheduled for maintenance.
The initial reading shows the left SI meridian at 200, exactly where the pain was.
I feel like the Auriculotherapy was the a missing piece that has gotten me better results than I could have imagined.
BTW – thanks for the article “3 Ways to Prepare the Patient for Auriculotherapy” it was helpful advice.
Thanks for everything that you have done for this wonderful medicine.
Jim Pedersen
And that, my friends, is why I do what I do.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my blogs.
As a show of appreciation, I want to give you this summary PDF of 12 AMAZING research studies conducted on the effectiveness of Auriculotherapy.
Just click here or the picture to the right and they’re yours!

Dr. Adrian Larsen
Miridia Technology Inc.
Dr. Larsen,
Here is my own update. I have been using the auriculotherapy for about three months now and have been very pleased with the addition. I have added ear treatments to every patient that I have seen, and on each visit. I use the stimplus pro to find active points regardless of the intended treatment. I then treat all active points (thanks for the alcohol advice.) Sometimes this is only two or three points, sometimes up to ten points. The results have been nothing short of outstanding. I’m finding that my treatment success rate has increased to the point where I feel confident in treating just about anything. As a matter of fact, I am seeing patients for fewer consecutive treatments and getting better results consistently. My referral rate has had a boost because of this also.
Last night I finished up with a patient that had had stubborn neck/shoulder pain. He had tried chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture previously with very little success. His wife was my patient already and her sleep issues were rectified in five treatments including the auriculotherapy, so she referred him to me. After his first treatment he was pain free for three days (all of his other therapy had given him an hour or two of relief at best.) I did five treatments, over a two week period, and he was out of pain for most of this time. I also ran two Acugraph readings on him using the Tsing points. On his initial visit, before treatment his PIE score was a 37. When he left last night it was an 85. He is now scheduled for maintenance.
I will try to send the Acugraph readings if you are interested, you should see them. The initial reading shows the left SI meridian at 200, exactly where the pain was.
Anyway, I feel like the Auriculotherapy was the a missing piece that has gotten me better results than I could have imagined. Thanks for everything that you have done for this wonderful medicine.
Jim Pedersen
Hi Jim,
Wow, what outstanding results. Thanks for sharing these with me! And yes, I’d love to see the graphs.
Best regards,
Hi Jim,
If i understand correctly, you scan the whole ear for active points? At what frequency do you treat?
What is your motivation for this method?
Kind regards
Hello Johan,
My original intention was to add some ear points to see how they would support my main acupuncture treatment. In doing so, I would scan the ear with the stimplus pro and then use ear needles for the treatment on the active points. This is based on the fact that if the point is active, it needs attention, no matter what the indication is. While doing this I was finding that most of the active points were specific to the patients set of complaints. As I would scan the ear I would often find hot spots for issues that the patient didn’t mention to me. Patients love it when you find out things about them that they did not remember to tell you. Anyway, now I have had a few new patients where I have decided to use auricular points only as the diferentiating treatment, and a basic balancing treatment for the body. So far so good. My confidence with the auricular therapy is increasing daily.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the clear explanation. This is an approach that I will definitely try it in my practice. Just one question. Why choose needles instead of a treatment with the Stimplus pro.
Kind regards
I use needles because I am an acupuncturist, I believe in acupuncture and I bill for needle insertion. To add auricular therapy to my regular treatments does not add more than another minute or two. Using the needle applicator, as Kimberley demonstrated, is virtually painless (the stimplus pro can be a bit uncomfortable.) And once the needles are in the patient can begin to relax into the treatment.
I am also finding that needles offer deeper and more lasting healing than most other techniques, including the stimplus pro treatment.
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alcohol advice nice
Thanks for sharing about this ear cleaning technique. Good post.
Excellent tip about the alcohol..