The Chinese translation for Heart 7 (HT 7) is Shen Men, which means Spirit Gate. As its name suggests, this acupuncture point is fantastic for calming the mind and helping to resolve symptoms such as anxiety, worry, panic attacks, and heart palpitations by deepening the inner connection to one’s spirit. Because Heart 7 it is the source point for the Heart channel, it also helps regulate any condition related to the heart and the circulation of blood throughout the body. Examples include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, anemia, and varicose veins.
This is a fantastic point for in-the-moment anxiety and panic attacks. Putting deep, circular pressure on this point during tense moments may help the body relax and return to a state of calm and connection. Don’t be afraid to hold the pressure for a long time–even up to a few minutes–or until you’re feeling better. You can also use laser acupuncture to treat this point at home.
Location: At the ulnar end of the distal wrist crease when the palm faces upward, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.
Attributes: Yuan-Source, Shu-Stream, Sedation and Earth point of the Heart channel.
TCM Actions: Quiets the heart and spirit; clears Fire and cools construction; clears heart heat; regulates Qi counterflow.
Indications: Cardiac pain; vexation; mania and withdrawal; poor memory; racing of the heart; fright palpitations; insomnia; yellowing of the eyes; pain in the lateral costal region; heat in the palms.
Secondary Indications: Dizziness; feeblemindedness; epilepsy; retching or spitting of blood; visceral agitation; throat bi; dryness of the throat with no desire to eat; dyspnea counterflow Qi ascent; red facial complexion and tendency to laugh.
I hope this blog post, my free guide, and Points Interactive Acupuncture Software are helpful for you in your journey of health and helping others! Feel free to reach out with any questions; my staff is extremely quick to respond!
Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac.
Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching.
Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy.
He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.
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