When we take AcuGraph on the road for acupuncture trade shows, conventions and symposiums–we are the busiest booth at the event. It’s really a lot of fun having acupuncturists hang out and chat all weekend long. We’ve made many lifelong friends with acupuncturists all over the world by meeting at these events.
Why do you Think that is?
It’s not hard to imagine why acupuncturists love coming to our booth…It’s the same reason Patients will LOVE your Booth:
Modern Technology combined with Ancient TCM is fascinating. It’s taken nearly 2000 years to reach this point in history, but there is finally a scientific explanation of how acupuncture channels work.
AcuGraph is impressive. Practitioners get excited about future possibilities in their clinic and they tell all of their friends they need to come and visit our booth. People stand in lines and make appointments to be graphed before we leave to head home.
AcuGraph gives hope for the future of a clinic because not only is it a tool to bring in more patients, but utilization of AcuGraph can help patients get better faster.
So, let’s talk about health fairs in your community.
When a practitioner takes AcuGraph to a health fair, they too report being the most popular event at the show. Potential patients love coming to an AcuGraph booth. Why do you think that is? The truth is, the reasons are pretty much the same as I listed above.
Have you Taken your AcuGraph to a Health Fair Yet?
I have, and I can tell you that with a little help from the AcuGraph Screening Module, your event will be FUN and bring in a LOT of new patients. I’ve found the following to be true:
1: Modern Technology Combined with Ancient TCM is Fascinating
- “You mean that acupuncture stuff really works? I thought it was just an ancient form of medicine used by old Chinese doctors.”
- Patients appreciate the inclusion of modern science into your Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic.
- Finally, you have a device to show how energy flows in the channels. It helps the potential patient understand your plan of treatment. Find the blockages and fix them so your patient gets better!
2: AcuGraph is impressive
- Patients get excited when you show them their graph–and then they tell everyone they know to stop by and get graphed. People will literally stand in line, waiting for you to graph them.
- As you can see, it’s not hard to win the popularity contest!
3: AcuGraph Personalizes your Evaluation
AcuGraph Lets You:
- Get at least 5 minutes to sit face to face with your potential patient. You touch their skin, look them in the eye, and gather personal contact information.
- Send them home with an evaluation.
- Set up an appointment to book a full graph evaluation at your clinic later in the week–which means you get another 20 minute chance to get to know this person better.
4: The AcuGraph Report Gives your Patient Hope
- An AcuGraph report is tangible evidence that they are really sick.
- Finally, someone understands how all of their physical symptoms are interrelated. That someone is YOU.
5: AcuGraph Helps to Bring in New Patients
- Try standing around a table with acupuncture flyers and business cards. Very few people will show up at your booth. In fact, many practitioners don’t like to attend health fairs because they are long and boring, and don’t bring in many new patients.
- If you graph people at the booth, your day will go by quickly. It will be FUN. You will leave with new relationships in your community. When you build a relationship, people remember you and refer to you.
Popularity is not necessary in life…but I’m telling you, it pays off BIG TIME when you are in business for yourself!

Have a Great Week!
Dr. Kimberly Thompson, DACM, L.Ac.

Clinical Educator
Can you suggest health fairs that do better than others? I would tend to go small, but maybe I am wrong. You are selling acugraph to your target market (acupuncturists). I wonder what the best way to meet people interested in acugraph and acupuncture as patients?
Hello Suzanne,
I have found great results with smallish health fairs to begin with. If you do a large one, I’d suggest having at least one extra person there who can answer questions, get people lined up, book appointments etc.
As far as target audience. I wouldn’t focus on people who are “interested in acugraph”. The real deal is that many people are interested in acupuncture. You are just using scientific “bait” to bring them into your booth. Once you start talking to them, it’s all about your personality, skill, charm, knowledge, etc. I do have a target audience for my clinic. Pictures or back drops in your booth could focus on that. What is your speciality? Pain, fertility, oncology, woman’s health, pediatrics, etc…
Could you please explain why 12 meridians shows on the graph? what about DU and Ren meridians? Thanks.
We have not found specific research which has measured the Du and the Ren, or any of the extraordinary vessels for that matter. There is plenty of research to back up the main channels.