What are the side effects of acupuncture treatment?
Being the curious sort, I sometimes see what acupuncture searches are most common in Google.
Some of the results are very interesting.
Recently, I ran across a gem of an article about the side effects of acupuncture. It was written from a medical standpoint…and it talked about the scary stuff. Pneumothorax and hepatitis. You know, the ones that are prevented by even minimal training. Have you ever caused either of these?
Wait…those aren’t even side effects. Those are complications.
Let’s get our terminology right.
Positive Side Effects
So I searched around a bit more, and found articles listing various wonderful side effects, like better sleep, lower stress, mental clarity, better digestion, and more energy. Hey, who doesn’t love those side effects? Of course, those are the positive ones we all like to advertise. (And you should advertise them.) But what are the negative side effects of acupuncture?
Negative Side Effects
Well, this takes a little more searching, but you’ll find such items as muscle twitching, exacerbated symptoms, fatigue, soreness, bruising, and emotional release.
About that last one—emotional release—have you had that one happen? It’s amazing. Put the needle in the right point, and the patient absolutely breaks down in tears. Or hysterical laughter. Either way, it’s wonderful when it’s all over and the patient feels so much better.
To sum it up…
The positive side effects of acupuncture are wonderful, and the negative side effects aren’t all that serious. Isn’t this an amazing healing art? It sounds too good to be true, yet it is true. How cool is that?
This got me thinking about AcuGraph. (Most things do. I know. It’s an addiction.) So here we go:
What are the side effects of using AcuGraph in your practice?
Just like with Acupuncture, there are positive and negative side effects.
Let’s start with the negative:
- Increased time per visit—the exam takes 2-3 minutes, after all!
- Higher patient expectations—when you have cutting edge technology, your credibility increases, and so do patient expectations.
- A laptop in the treatment room—yes, you’ll have the technology right there with the patient.
- Technology issues—some acupuncturists aren’t all that good with computers. That’s why we offer amazingly helpful tech support.
And now for the positive:
Increased income—AcuGraph users make 35% more, on average, than their colleagues.
- Practice growth—AcuGraph is a proven winner for marketing to new patients.
- Patient referrals—Evidence-based reports generate more referrals.
- Patient commitment—Patients who understand acupuncture and track their progress are more likely to complete treatment plans.
Does it sound too good to be true? Hey, it’s just like acupuncture. The negative side effects are minor, and the positives are wonderful. If you aren’t getting all these benefits in your practice, we want to show you how.
Let’s start with Kimberly’s new PDF on how to build up your base of reliable wellness patients. There’s nothing better than a steady stream of tune-up patients to lower your stress and keep your practice humming.
Kimberly’s PDF is FREE and people are absolutely loving it. Grab your copy here:
And meanwhile, don’t forget to remind your patients that Acupuncture is one of the safest, most effective natural healthcare options available!