Do you wanna know what’s FUN? It’s fun to be POPULAR!
Popularity doesn’t come easy in my world. Let’s face it, I’m a mother of 9. How often are you popular when you are a MOM? I have to make my kids do all the stuff they don’t really want to do. So, as you can imagine, I’m NOT popular very often when I’m at home. But, when I go out into the acupuncture world, it’s a whole different story!
AcuGraph is my secret. It makes me popular, regardless of what I am doing. Whether I’m running a booth at an Acupuncture Symposium, like FSOMA, doing a Health Fair in my home town to promote my clinic, or teaching a class on Health Fair Marketing Success
Here is what I have recognized from each of these situations.
#1: Acupuncture Symposium
AcuGraph is ALWAYS the most popular booth at the symposium.
Why? Because AcuGraph is intriguing. It’s cool. It’s innovative. Everyone wants a turn. They want a personal analysis of their meridians. They want the report.
I’ve been attending FSOMA for six years now. Funny thing is, I don’t even have to do the selling of AcuGraph anymore. Practitioners who already use it stand around and sell it for me.
This happened just last week. Here are some examples of comments I heard at the show:
“AcuGraph was the best purchase I’ve ever made.”
“Patients love AcuGraph!”
“I love how Miridia Technology is always expanding AcuGraph. The record keeping portion is the BEST!”
“I built my practice doing health fairs with AcuGraph. Now I have a thriving successful practice.”
#2: Health Fair
AcuGraph is proven to be the number one most effective way to bring in new patients into your clinic. Period. It works.
- Do you want 15 new patients in your office NOW? AcuGraph at a health fair can do that for you.
- Do you want to meet 40 new prospective patients who are ALL interested in what you offer? AcuGraph at a health fair can do that for you.
- Do you want to fill your practice when business is slow? AcuGraph at a health fair can do that for you.
A couple of years ago I met an acupuncturist at FSOMA. And she:
- Was a new practitioner at the time and was concerned about making an investment in AcuGraph;
- Knew that she needed new patients; and
- Recognized that AcuGraph would be a good fit for her office–yet, she was still nervous about making the investment.
This year I met up with her at a restaurant by the pool. She and her husband couldn’t thank me enough for convincing her that AcuGraph was the right choice for her clinic. Take a look for yourself.
You can’t make this stuff up. Practitioners who use AcuGraph to bring in new patients are successful. She’s only been in practice for two years…
#3: Marketing Class
I taught a class this year at FSOMA on Health Fair Marketing Success. This class was popular too!
Here’s the deal… Everyone needs new patients. Whether you are a new practitioner, getting ready to open a practice, or a well-seasoned practitioner who has been in practice for years, you will always need to generate fresh, new clients. I’ve been in practice for a long time. I used AcuGraph to build my original patient base. I’ve moved clinics a couple of times and rebranded myself. AcuGraph helped me get new patients. AND–as I have experienced seasonal slow seasons, doing a health fair with AcuGraph regenerates my clinic then too!
If you are going to invest 8 hours of work into a health fair, you should set a goal to bring in 20 new patients in the process. There are some tips and techniques which I have learned over the years to make your health fair more successful. Here is a 26 page report with everything you need to know. Click here to get the report for FREE. I want you to have it.
It was fun to be popular for a while at FSOMA. Now I’m back to reality. It’s time for school to start so I’m making my kids go to bed early, pulling out the chore charts, and insisting they put their laundry into the dirty clothes hampers. So, I’m not so popular at the moment.
Luckily, I get to go to work every day doing research and treating patients. AcuGraph makes me popular there! It’s all about balance, right?!
After you download the free report, send me an email and tell me what you think. Have you done a health fair? Have you been successful? If not, I want to help you.
Until next time…

Acupuncture Research Analyst
Miridia Technology
This is really true, Kimberly! Acugraph is really a hit in our clinic. Sometimes, patients will come to our clinic determined not to tell their problems until I use the acugraph for the diagnosis. They will say, “No check our energy first.”…..And as expected, Acugraph never fails to help me in the diagnosis.
More power to your work and to Miridia Techonology.