I was 8 years old when I watched Star Wars the first time, and that’s when I decided to build a robot. Out of a trash can. Powered by a car battery. OK, so maybe I’m kind of nerdy.
Just like R2-D2, right? Don’t judge.
Yeah, I’ll admit I’ve always loved the engineering side of things. To tell you the truth, that’s what attracted me to acupuncture in the first place. But I also realize most acupuncturists aren’t quite so engineering-inclined. In fact, some struggle to grasp technology at all. I know because I answer their questions when they call. And I also know that technical explanations make some people go glassy eyed pretty fast.
That’s why I’ve put together this Webinar–and called it, A Non-Boring Look at what’s Really Going On when you Graph a Patient.
In this webinar, I’ll give you the straight facts about graphing, in an easy-to-understand format. We’ll cover the topics you need to understand so you can practice with confidence:
1. Where did graphing come from?
-Know your technique with this brief historical primer!
2. The Japanese Connection
-Do they still do it over there? How?
3. The Electrical Side of Things
-How to answer your patients’ technical questions with confidence.
The upshot of all this is that knowing a little more about what’s going on “under the hood” will help you be a better, more confident practitioner, able to more easily explain what you do and how AcuGraph works.
Patients love graphing! But they just as often get a little “too” interested, and want to know more about it. Be prepared to share the story with this non-boring, only slightly technical, look at what you do–and why it works!
I’ll be presenting LIVE and ready to answer your questions! So reserve your spot now, and I’ll see you in the webinar!
WEBINAR: AcuGraph – Why Does It Work?
Date/Time: Recording available now!
Recording: A free replay of this webinar is available on our public Youtube Channel!
Click here to watch the free replay on Youtube.
P.S… While you’re on YouTube, why not subscribe to our channel? We share great new videos every month about acupuncture, functional medicine topics, AcuGraph and auriculotherapy. Once subscribed, you’ll receive notifications when we publish new videos so you’ll never miss a thing. Subscribe to our channel here!

It means so much to us to hear from our AcuGraph Users. We’d love to know what you think and hear your ideas for future webinars.
Enjoy the recording!
I am so glad I bought as many ion pumping cords as I did! I encountered a pair of points with in my divergent protocol that needed both right and left sides done on each of the points.. How cool was that , that I was prepared for something I have never encountered before!
Wow, that’s great, Nanci! So glad to hear you were prepared!
WOW…its awesome!