Over 25 NEW Points and Areas Added to Auriculo Wall Chart 5/5 (60)

auricular wall chartThe Original Auricular Wall Chart

It was a proud moment for me, all those years ago, when we introduced our first ear acupuncture wall chart.

After weeks and weeks of work, combining and synthesizing information from 13 separate sources, we had finally built the most comprehensive, beautiful, and useful auricular acupuncture chart the world had ever seen. It was amazing!

And our customers loved it! We’ve sold thousands of copies of that chart over the years, and heard lots of amazing feedback.

Some love it for its clinical usefulness.

Others tout how it impresses patients and starts conversations.

In all, it’s one of the greatest things we’ve ever produced.

The New and Improved Auricular Wall Chart

But, like any first attempt, there was always room for improvement.

Even with over 270 points, we’ve occasionally run across a point here and there we wish we had included.

And though we were extremely careful in point placement and location, we’ve found some locations over the years that really could be more precise. That’s how it is when you’re synthesizing information from many different sources.

That’s why I’m so excited to introduce our NEW auricular acupuncture chart! We’ve spent months combing through our former chart, adding points, correcting locations, and making clarifications. I must say, the results are stunning!

With over 25 NEW points and areas, plus improved locations and information for many more points, this chart is, once again, the most comprehensive, accurate and beautiful auricular chart you can own.

And it’s a worthy upgrade to our former chart.

  • Use this incredible clinical tool to verify point locations on the fly with just a glance while you’re treating patients!
  • Show patients the power of auriculotherapy with an incredibly complete list of points demonstrating the wide variety of conditions you can treat!
  • Beautify your office and enhance your study with the best auricular chart available—and save money doing it!

The New Auricular Wall Chart Special

Alternatively, feel free to give us a call at 208-846-8448 and a member of my staff will be happy to take your order for you.

Click here to purchase your new-and-improved Auricular wall chart >>

Enjoy your new Auricular wall chart! I’m so excited about the improvements, and hope they are a blessing for you as you continue to help others live their best lives!

auricular wall chart



Dr. Larsen Teaches AcuGraph Seminar Training in Europe

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Dr. Adrian Larsen

Adrian P. Larsen, D.C., F.A.S.A., C.Ac. Dr. Larsen is President of Miridia Technology Inc., and one of the developers of the AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging system. He currently divides his time between research, product development, and teaching. Dr. Larsen also holds certifications in Applied Kinesiology and CPK, and has specialized training in SOT and craniopathy. He, his wife, and 7 children reside in Meridian, Idaho.

6 Replies to “Over 25 NEW Points and Areas Added to Auriculo Wall Chart

  1. Hello, I live in europe and it’s 50 dollars to ship it, so is it possible to have a digital version?

    1. Hay una nueva versión que no debería tener ningún problema. ¿Estás usando la antigua PC Points o la nueva aplicación llamada Puntos de acupuntura? Desea utilizar la nueva aplicación, no la antigua PC Points. ¡Mira si eso te ayudará!

So, what do you think about it?