From Humble Beginnings
Today is a day of humble reflection as I remember the story of Miridia Technology.
When this company began over 15 years ago, it had a single employee—who didn’t even know that he was an employee (yet). I was still a student and had just been introduced to Ryodoraku acupuncture. I loved the idea of objective evidence of Qi balance, but I noticed a gap—something was missing. The pencil-and-paper approach I was taught didn’t do justice to the potential power of Ryodoraku.

I saw the need for my patients to understand and visualize Qi—a tangible way for their progress to be measured, stored, displayed and shared. I knew that acupuncture was powerful, but the old-school method I’d learned on paper needed to be re-visualized for the computer age.
So, with the objective of solving this problem, I contacted an engineer friend, and my brother, who is a software developer, and we created AcuGraph. I couldn’t have foreseen then that so many practitioners would catch the vision of AcuGraph, and that this product could improve so many lives and help so many practitioners thrive.
Miridia Technology Today

Over time, the reach and goals of Miridia Technology have expanded. New practitioners and employees have come aboard. New problems are being addressed. Beyond AcuGraph, we develop and sell numerous acupuncture products. We offer training, certifications and support. We travel and we teach. But always, our foremost goal and our forever vision is to bring more light into the field of acupuncture—to help you advance, so that you can help more people heal.
Yesterday, a somewhat symbolic culmination of years of hard work, progress and expansion occurred as we changed the name of our Facebook page from “AcuGraph” to “Miridia Acupuncture Technology.” This page was created a long, long time ago. Back then, all that we had was AcuGraph. AcuGraph began our story, and it is our most recognizable, powerful product. That will never change. But we are Miridia Acupuncture Technology.
There is no end to the discoveries we hope to make, knowledge we intend to share, and tools we want to build.
To reflect our commitment to expansion, discovery and growth, we invite you to follow Miridia Acupuncture Technology on Facebook, give us a like, and let us know how we can serve you better.
Your ideas are just as important and powerful as that idea long ago—the idea that started this company. The idea that keeps us ever moving forward. From all of us at Miridia Technology, thank you for believing in us. And thank you for believing in AcuGraph!
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Each day we post our favorite acupuncture articles, practice tips, product spotlights, and info on our sales, live training and other exciting things happening in the acupuncture world! We want you to take part in the excitement!
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P.S. You can also find us on Youtube at
We share short training videos, webinars, quick tips for acupuncturists and more on our YouTube channel! We’d love to see you subscribe! By subscribing, you’ll be notified each time we post a new video.
Have ideas on acupuncture videos we should make? Shoot us an email at, and we’ll take your ideas into consideration. We’re always looking for ways to better serve our customers and help them reach their highest potential as healers. Thank you for your support and for all the good you do in the world. You inspire us daily!
Dr. Adrian Larsen