If you’re reading this, you’re most likely a Pointoselect Digital Owner—and that’s great! The Pointoselect is the most effective and affordable FDA-cleared auriculotherapy device on the market. It’s an auriculotherapy game-changer, and makes an immediate difference in your patients’ meridian balance.
Honestly, if I didn’t have this tool, there’s no way I could get the immediate and lasting auriculotherapy results I’ve been able to achieve. I’m glad you have one too!
**If you don’t own the Pointoselect Digital, you can learn more about it, and purchase it, here: www.Pointoselect.com
The Learning Curve
So, I’m going to be honest for a minute. Despite all the great things about the Pointoselect, it can be a little tricky to learn how to use. Maybe you’ve experienced some confusion with trying to utilize all the features (there are a lot!) of the Pointoselect. My device sat in my office for YEARS before I took the time to decode the “Chinglish” manual and figure out how to use the thing.
But one day I sat down, determined to figure out how to get the Pointoselect to work. I’d heard about how great it was, but I wasn’t thoroughly convinced. I needed proof. Once I unraveled the confusion and finally figured out how to work the device, I was absolutely amazed at its capabilities. I knew that practitioners who use auriculotherapy need this tool. But not in its current “condition”.
So I got to work.
First, I became the authorized US distributor of the Pointoselect Digital.

Next, I completely re-did the user’s manual in proper English. Then, I created several training videos about how to set up and use the Pointoselect correctly with the proper frequency, polarity and intensity that produce the best results. All in all, I created 7 in-depth training videos about different features of the Pointoselect.
The videos and updated manual make the Pointoselect infinitely more understandable than it used to be, but even still, videos and a manual can only do so much. I get it.
There’s a learning curve (as expected) if you want to be competent with, or even master the Pointoselect. You have to know how to make it work FOR you rather than complicate your treatments.
So, I’m taking the available Pointoselect Digital training to the next level.
Upcoming Pointoselect Digital Training
I want you to be successful with your Pointoselect Digital, because it really can completely change the way you approach auriculotherapy, and make your treatment results more immediate and lasting.
And I’m going to help you get there.
2019 Acupuncture Growth Symposium
From May 3-5, 2019, my company (Miridia Acupuncture Technology) is hosting the 3rd annual Acupuncture Growth Symposium in our hometown of Boise, Idaho!
At this year’s symposium, we’re putting a huge emphasis on learning how to use the acupuncture technology tools that many of our customers have, including AcuGraph, the Rapid Release, the Jade Vitality heating pad, ion pumping cords, and of course, the Pointoselect Digital.
This is the one chance you’ll have this year to get dedicated, hands-on training and practice with the Pointoselect Digital from the people who have helped hundreds of practitioners realize its power.
Not to mention, we’re applying for 13 hours of CE credit (which I expect will be approved soon), so you’ll get credit for this tactical, fun weekend.
What You’ll Learn
At AcuGrowth 2019, I’m teaching an entire unit on using auriculotherapy to supercharge your acupuncture results. I’ll also teach about electroacupuncture, laser, and other non-needle techniques. There will be heavy emphasis on understanding the Pointoselect Digital— and using it properly for best results.
Check out my short video below to get more details about the training I’ll be doing at the upcoming symposium!
Here’s some other things you’ll learn at AcuGrowth 2019….
- The science behind the Pointoselect Digital
- Why the Pointoselect Digital is the best tool out there for auriculotherapy (that isn’t thousands of dollars)
- How the Pointoselect Digital immediately puts the meridian system into balance with a single, quick scan treatment
- How to set up and use your Pointoselect Digital predictably and easily with my special cheat sheet
- When to use different frequencies, intensities and polarities for best results based on the points you’re treating, and their electrical properties
- How to make your Pointoselect work for you rather than cause any confusion or frustration
- How to “seal the deal” with auriculotherapy and end every treatment with a fast, effective ear scan to lock in the best results
You CAN be Confident using your Pointoselect Digital!

I want you to be successful with your Pointoselect. With a little face-to-face instruction and practice (which there will be LOADS of time for at the Symposium), you’ll be confident using the Pointoselect every day in your clinic—without being worried you’ll freeze up and forget how to do what you wanted to do.
If you’re ready to get the most out of your investment, I’d LOVE to see you at the 2019 Acupuncture Growth Symposium in Boise! Boise is one of the fastest growing and popular cities in the United States right now. The mild climate (seriously, I’ve lived here for 15 years), beautiful scenery and safety make Boise a wonderful place to live and visit. You’ll love it!
Savvy Saver Special Ending May 1st
If you’re interested in coming to AcuGrowth 2019, be sure and get your ticket before May 1st. During the Savvy Saver special, save $100 on your ticket, which means the price is only $395!
Hurry! There’s less than 15 seats left at AcuGrowth 2019 already…
By choosing Boise, we were able to save a fortune on travel expenses, venues, food, etc., so we’re paying it forward and passing the savings on to you!

Check out www.AcuGrowth.com for all the Symposium information, full schedule, speakers, and extra activities (did I mention the there’s a social gathering Friday night, AND complimentary cocktail party on Saturday night?)
If you have questions or would like help reserving your ticket, don’t hesitate to reach out at help@miridiatech.com, or give my office a call at 208.846.8448. We’re here to help!
Symposium Website: www.AcuGrowth.com
I can’t wait to meet you in May! You won’t regret it!
See you Soon,