Do you see many patients dealing with chronic pain?
Chronic pain and fibromyalgia are some of the most common conditions for which people seek acupuncture treatment. Why? Because western medicine doesn’t offer them answers or relief.
But are you prepared to successfully treat these tough conditions? Are you confident that you can get results every time? Would you be comfortable leaving referral cards with MDs and telling them, point blank, to refer their toughest cases your way?
If not, I have an amazing resource for you.
A Reliable System for Chronic Pain
Having worked with the body for over 23 years, beginning with massage therapy and moving on to acupuncture, Kimberly has developed a reliable system for chronic pain. Chronic pain and Fibromyalgia are Kimberly’s speciality, and she continues to have a reputation in her community as THE acupuncturist to see for these conditions.
Now, Dr. Kimberly is going to open up her playbook to teach YOU her systematic treatment approach that helps patients regain control of their lives and find relief.
Even if you have success treating pain, or success with these tools, there’s always more to learn. We have more to teach you about how to get BETTER results, more quickly—especially with those 21st century conditions that often prompt patients to seek out acupuncture treatment in the first place.
Enroll in Kimberly’s Course, Beating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture, Here >>
A System for Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia
As Kimberly has worked as an acupuncturist for the last 10 years, she’s found that patients who struggle with chronic pain and fibromyalgia often have many, many layers of issues that need to be addressed. They have anxiety. They have depression. They have pain and digestive issues. All of these problems combine to create a huge ball that the practitioner has to unwind. Without a system, this can seem impossible at times.

But with years and years of practice, trial and error, and success, Kimberly has developed a reliable system. Her success comes from her knowledge, but also her tools.
You see, when it comes to treating chronic pain, Dr. Kimberly has discovered that needles alone often aren’t enough–or they take too much time to work–leaving patients frustrated and dissatisfied with their care.
Kimberly’s system involves a series of visits where each one focuses on the underlying cause of one layer, whether it’s emotion, or digestion, or something entirely different. By unwinding one layer at a time, Kimberly is able to help her patients gain back control of their lives.
Kimberly’s system is more than just looking at the basic points and superficial pathways. She also considers deeper layers, like muscular and internal pathways, and extraordinary vessels. That’s where tools like ion pumping cords, the Jade Vitality far infrared heating pad, and the Rapid Release really shine, whether she uses a single tool or a combination.

The Rapid Release
The Rapid Release works to relax tissues and treat the body on a fascial level. RRT delivers powerful, high-speed, low amplitude vibration where it is needed most to relax tissues, relieve pain and move chi. The high frequency waves emitted from the device trigger a neurological response that quickly relaxes muscles to resolve pain and muscle spasms in soft-tissue related conditions.
The Rapid Release stimulates chi and blood flow, opens acupuncture channels, and boosts the effectiveness of other treatment methods. By freeing chi in musculotendino channels, you promote free flow throughout all the meridians. Easily treat single points or whole regions with safe, effective vibrational therapy. The Rapid Release is a beautiful tool for resolving pain on a musculotendino and fascial level, which is especially helpful for chronic pain conditions.
Learn more about the Rapid Release here >>
Jade Vitality Far Infrared Heating Pads
The Jade Vitality far infrared heating pad provides safe, deep-penetrating therapy to relieve pain, increase circulation and restore function. The far infrared waves are produced as the jade stones are heated. The far infrared works internally to relieve pain and increase the flow of chi. The increased flow of chi combats stagnation in the chi and blood, which can be the underlying cause of pain the first place, as discussed in Kimberly’s book “Move Blood and Stop Pain” (only available with the Rapid Release.)

Most Notable Benefits of the Jade Vitality Heating Pad include….
- Relief from minor muscle/joint pain and stiffness
- Relief from minor sprains and strains
- Relief from minor muscular back pain
- Increased local circulation where applied
- Increased muscle relaxation
- Healthy negative ions to help relieve stress and boost energy (chi)
Learn more about Jade Vitality far infrared heating pads here >>

Ion Pumping Cords
Designed by Dr. Manaka of Japan, Ion Pumping Cords are the fastest and most effective way to move chi exactly where it needs to go. A germanium diode in the center of the cord directs the flow of chi from the black clip to the red clip, which redistributes excess chi to from areas of excess to areas of deficiency to create balance.
Trying to trigger the body to heal itself is nearly impossible when the patient’s condition has already drained the body’s reservoir of chi. When internal pathways are blocked, traditional acupuncture may be less effective.
As the ion pumping cords create an external link between two acupuncture points, you can bypass the internal blockages that are preventing healing and put the body back into balance. As chi is properly redistributed, the body is fortified and better able to initiate healing.
Lean more about Ion Pumping Cords here >>

Kimberly’s Course: Beating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture
In Kimberly’s training you’ll learn…
- Kimberly’s reliable system for treating chronic pain
- How to treat when you are doing “everything right” and the patient’s pain just isn’t getting better
- How to get better results with STUBBORN chief complaints
- How to prioritize advanced treatment strategies within a treatment series
- How to incorporate ion pumping cords into your treatment plan
- The differentiation between a root and branch treatment when using ion pumping cords
- A modern analysis of “Chi and Blood Stagnation”
- How to utilize the power of vibrational therapy to move qi and blood
- Tendinomuscular treatment protocols to resolve pain
- Using Jade Vitality to prepare your patients’ bodies on an internal level to receive the full benefit of treatment
- The benefits of far infrared heat and negative ions
- How to decide which tool to use when within a treatment system
Enroll in Kimberly’s Course, Beating Fibromyalgia with Acupuncture, Here >>
Finding Success with your Tools
I want you to be successful with your tools, whether you have the Rapid Release, the Jade Vitality, or ion pumping cords. To get some free education about these tools, head over to the new Miridia Technology Learning Portal!

Andrew 63 years old Gentelmen after massive ischemic stroke 2 years ago . Left side still paralysed . No leg and arm movements at all. Mentally- very good. Regular diet. He is in nursing home. Is ant chance to improve his motor skills and independence? What acupuncture treatment is the best for him?. What abaut RAPID RELEASE or JADE VITALITY< or ION PUMPING CORD? Thank You Dr. Adrian For teaching and your advise! I know you so many years. Best wishes for You and sincere wishes for Kimberly . Danuta Kot, Canada