Autism’s Prevalence
It’s no secret that autism is a widely prevalent and growing diagnosis among our nation’s children. The latest estimates saw a 15% increase in autism diagnoses in just two years, and this on top of ongoing, significant increases every year for more than a decade. In the 2018 estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overall prevalence went from 1 in 166 children (2004) to 1 in 59 children (2018).

These findings have very practical implications for all areas of healthcare. Consider this:
- You are most likely treating one or more patients on the autism spectrum right now.
- If you aren’t directly treating any patient with autism, you are almost certainly treating someone who has a close relative with autism.
- Though the national average is 1 in 59 children, some areas have much higher diagnosis rates. The highest-incidence state is New Jersey (1 in 34).
- Autism is a lifelong condition for most people, though services for adults, and even prevalence estimates, are sorely lacking.
- Autism often comes with other, complex medical needs.
All these facts add up to a HUGE need for effective treatments. Though no cure exists, acupuncture can improve many outcomes for people with autism. With the right skills and understanding, you can touch many lives for the better.

Watch the Recordings from our 2019 Symposium!
At our 2019 AcuGrowth Symposium, we welcomed Dr. Charles Quigless. As an acupuncturist, father of an autistic son, and board member at Touch Points Autism Services, Dr. Quigless brought unique perspective and insight to the treatment of autism spectrum disorders.
Dr. Quigless was one of several speakers who addressed the treatment of today’s tough conditions—the conditions that lead patients to turn to acupuncture when other forms of medicine have failed them.
You can watch the recordings online today and enjoy learning from Dr. Quigless and other experts in the field.
CEU Credit Opportunity: Treating Today’s Tough Conditions
Did you know that you can access our past, present and future trainings on one intuitive website? It’s called the Miridia Technology Learning Portal. You can register FREE and browse the courses today! You’ll find dozens of paid AND free learning opportunities related to many different aspects of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, including the recordings from our 2019 AcuGrowth Symposium.
At our 2019 Acupuncture Growth Symposium, we really wanted to focus on today’s tough conditions—the conditions that lead patients to come to us when other forms of medicine have failed them. Conditions like emotions, fibromyalgia, autism spectrum disorders and chronic pain.
You can sign up for the learning portal for FREE today and start watching! Just click on the image below!


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