Here at Miridia Technology, we’re huge proponents of auriculotherapy. It is an excellent adjunct treatment for practitioners of all kinds to incorporate into their clinics—and it’s a simple and fantastic at-home treatment method that will empower patients. In this post, we’ll go over basic auricular anatomy—a great place to start!
Of course, there are different levels of auriculotherapy knowledge. Some practitioners may have an advanced understanding of the mechanics of the medicine, while others may only know to the location of a few vital points. However, whatever level you’re at, we encourage you to learn more, keep practicing, and share your knowledge with others!
And we’re here to help you get started. If you’re new to auriculotherapy, we have an amazing resource for you—our free, 1 hour class: Auriculotherapy for Beginners. You can sign up to watch the class here:
When you watch the class, one of the first things you’ll learn is basic auricular anatomy. Understanding the anatomy can help you read auriculotherapy charts a bit better, and understand the location of ear acupuncture points. Ready to learn?
Auricular Anatomy – Start with the Basics

In Acupuncture, the ear is considered a “microsystem” of the entire body. This means that the entire body is represented on the ear—in miniature. It is, in essence, a tiny map of one’s larger self. The “Inverted Fetus” model is a rough model of what parts of the body ear points may correlate with.

As you might imagine, there are hundreds of acupuncture points on the ear. These points are divided between 16 different areas. As you can see, the areas have somewhat complicated names. Luckily, you really don’t need to know them all—you just need to know the major ones. So, that’s what we’re going to learn today!
Free Trial of Auriculo 360
Would you like to be able to quickly find the points on the ear, without the stress of a 2D reference chart… and have access to hundreds of protocols straight from the experts? Check out our FREE TRIAL of our most popular Auriculotherapy software — a 3D model of the ear and all its points and protocols! Click the link below to try it today!
Access the free trial of Auriculo 360 here>>
7 Major Areas of the Auricle (Ear)
1. The Helix

The Helix (highlighted in yellow above) is comprised of the curved, outer ridge of the ear. The helix is divided further into 4 smaller areas: the helix root, the superior helix, the auricular tubercle and the helix tail. Luckily, the names of these 4 smaller areas make a lot of visual sense. Essentially, the “root” is the beginning of the curve. The “superior” is the top of the curve. The “tubercle” is the tube-like middle section, and the “tail” is the bottom.
2. The Fossa

Directly next to the curve of the Helix lies the next major area of the ear—the Fossa. As you can see, it’s a fairly narrow area. it contains many muscular points corresponding with the elbow, arm and shoulder.
3. The Antihelix

Moving inward, the next area of the ear is the Antihelix. We further divide the Antihelix into subareas: the Inferior, Superior, Body and Tail of the Antihelix. In this zone you’ll find more large structural areas like the knee, hip, abdomen, chest and neck.
4. The Concha

Next, the Concha! The concha is one of the easiest areas of the ear to locate because it’s on a separate plane from other areas. It encompasses the deeper, lower section of ear and includes the superior (upper) and inferior (lower) concha. The concha contains points affecting internal organs and some hormonal signals.
5. The Tragus

The Tragus may be small, but it packs a big punch! Many of the points in this little area of the ear affect hormonal signals, moods, and deep inner systems like the sinuses and inner ear. For example, the tragus is where one could find a point for appetite control, adrenal function, or anxiety relief.
6. The Antitragus

Next comes the Antitragus. This is a small area just underneath the tail of the Antihelix, and just above the earlobe. Though it’s small, it’s powerful! The Antitragus contains many points related to the brain, brain stem and spinal cord.
7. The Lobe

Finally – the area we ALL know! The Ear lobe. The lobe is the floppy part of the lower ear that feels a bit less attached and firm than the rest. In this area, you’ll find many points related to the eyes, mouth, nose, jaw, face and sinuses.
Learn More in our Free Class: Auriculotherapy for Beginners!
You’re on your way to being an auricular anatomy expert! If you’re interested in learning more about Ear Acupuncture, we have great news for you! We’ve created a short introductory class that will teach you all the basics.

In this one-hour training you’ll learn:
- Complete Anatomy of the Auricle
- Locations and uses of Master Points
- Condition-specific points
- Treatment techniques and strategies
- The right tools for the job
- Protocols for the most common conditions
Get access to this free training by filling out the form below!
Want more great auriculotherapy training? If so, subscribe to our Youtube channel, where we post frequent videos about cutting-edge technology, auriculotherapy protocols and ear acupuncture advice. To subscribe, click this link:
Need Auriculotherapy Tools? We Got you Covered.
Miridia Technology provides the best auriculotherapy tools in the business, and I think you’ll want them. So when I give you top-notch training at no charge, we both win.
But even if you don’t buy anything I sell (and you certainly don’t have to) I’m betting you’ll still tell others about this free training and help spread the word about auriculotherapy. And in this social-media controlled world, that’s pure gold! What more could I ask?
Whether you’re looking for auriculotherapy reference charts or software, point detection and treatment devices, or other auriculotherapy resources, we have you covered.
Would you like to be able to quickly find the points on the ear, without the stress of a 2D reference chart… and have access to hundreds of protocols straight from the experts? Check out our FREE TRIAL of our most popular Auriculotherapy software — a 3D model of the ear and all its points and protocols!
Stimplus Pro Point Detection and Treatment Device (Beginner) >>
Pointoselect Digital Point Detection & Treatment Device (Advanced) >>
As always, If you have questions about the free training or how to start practicing auriculotherapy, don’t hesitate to reach out to, or +1 208.846.8448. We’re here to help. Enjoy the class!