I’ve been treating a lot of anxiety cases in my clinic lately, so I know you are too!
So many adults are experiencing debilitating symptoms of anxiety. By the time they come in, they can’t sleep and they aren’t functioning well at work or with their families. They often feel overwhelmed, stressed and afraid. In their logical minds, they may know what to do. Unfortunately, logic doesn’t help much in these situations.
But when I look at adults with anxiety versus teens, there’s an important difference.
The saddest anxiety patients I have seen are young teens. It’s really heart wrenching. Moms have been calling me in desperation, hoping acupuncture can help. These kids don’t have a clue what anxiety is…. All of a sudden the symptoms hit them HARD, and they crumble.
- They are afraid.
- It feels like a knife is stabbing them in the chest.
- They can’t catch their breath.
- Their heart feels huge. It feels like it is exploding up into their throat and down into their belly.
- They have a stomachache.
- It feels like they can’t breath.
- They cry out in desperation to their moms.
- They feel like they are going to die.
Anxiety is REALLY hard. It’s hard for the person going through the experience. And it’s especially hard on the mommas who cry while they hold their babies through the night–-helping them to breathe, stroking their foreheads, rocking them, and trying to reassure them that everything is going to be all right.
Unfortunately anxiety is on the rise. In fact, studies show that cases of anxiety have risen 30% in the last year. It’s affecting everyone. We have to be prepared. Let me ask you this:
Are you good at treating anxiety?
It’s 2020. You need to be good at treating anxiety. In my experience, it takes more than just a list of “the best acupuncture points EVER” for treating anxiety. There isn’t a magical list. You need more.
In this blog post I’m going to share the multi-faceted treatment modality approach that I use in my clinic. It works. I get great results.
SIDE NOTE: Make sure you read all the way to the end. I also give you TWO really great resources. One is for YOU to get more FREE AcuGraph training. The second is a FREE patient education video on anxiety.
Step 1: Meridian Balancing via AcuGraph
In anxious patients, it’s common to see imbalances in the Pericardium and Heart pathways in the patient’s graph. I’ve found that I can also differentiate between when a patient is actively experiencing anxiety, and when they have a tendency towards anxiety.
- Excess in the Heart and/or Pericardium pathways: Typically this means the patient has been experiencing anxiety “lately”.
- Deficiency in the Heart and/or Pericardium pathways: Typically this indicates the patient has a tendency towards anxiety, but perhaps they have it under control at the moment.
Take a look at the internal pathways of the Pericardium and Heart Pathways. Utilizing the graphics within AcuGraph is a great way to visualize the areas where the patient may be feeling the physical symptoms of anxiety.
Regardless of whether or not I see excess, deficiency, or a split in these pathways, I simply treat what I find. Eighty percent of a patient’s symptoms can be resolved by simply balancing the graph. If you want to take care of the other 20% you need more resources…
Keep reading. I’m going to show you how to kick your treatment up a notch! (or two).
Step 2: Auriculotherapy
After I balance the graph, I like to add auriculotherapy to solidify my treatment. Auriculotherapy is good as a stand alone treatment but it’s GREAT when I combine it with meridian balancing.
Here’s my favorite auricular protocol for anxiety, from the Auriculo 360 software.
You can purchase Auriculo 360 here >>

Step 3: Traditional Chinese Herbs Based on TCM Pattern Differentiation
Once you figure out the underlying TCM pattern, and treat with traditional Chinese herbal formulas, you will get the BEST results. Anxiety can be caused by either an excess or a deficiency pattern.
EXCESS TCM patterns related to anxiety may include:
- Liver Qi Stagnation
- Liver Yang Yang Rising
- Heart Phlegm
- Liver Fire
- Stomach Fire
- Heart Phlegm
DEFICIENCY TCM patterns related to anxiety may include:
- Qi Deficiency
- Blood Deficiency
- Yin Deficiency
As you can see, not all anxiety patients are created equal. Each patient is unique. When you have the tools and resources to offer a multi-faceted custom treatment–based on their body and their specific TCM pattern–you will get BETTER results.
Good isn’t good enough right now. When you get the phone call about a patient who feels like they are going to die because of their anxiety, you want to be able to offer them the BEST.
Before I close, I have a couple of important things to share with you.
Important Thing #1…
AcuGraph Hangout: Using Chinese Medicine
to Help Stress and Anxiety
On Friday, October 15th, we hosted a free, live class about treating stress and anxiety with acupuncture. We talked about:
- How to recognize stress and anxiety based on AcuGraph findings.
- A deeper discussion regarding TCM perspectives of the Heart and Pericardium.
- Excess TCM patterns in relation to anxiety.
- Deficiency TCM patterns in relation to anxiety.
- *AcuHerb recommendations for anxiety.
By request, we’ve made the recording available to all on our public Youtube channel! The recording is about an hour long. It’s worth it. You’ll learn great strategies for treating anxiety. You can watch the recording here:
While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the Miridia Technology YouTube Channel so you don’t miss out on all the great training videos we post! Click the graphic below to subscribe.

FREE Patient Education Video:
Calming Stress & Anxiety
Important Thing #2…
You are Essential!
Patients trust YOU! When you tell them that acupuncture helps with anxiety, they will believe you. I hope that this FREE patient education video makes it easier for you to educate your community. Acupuncture is amazing for anxiety. It’s up to you to make sure the whole world knows it!
NOTE: This is the SECOND video in a series of patient education videos we’ll be releasing over the next few months.
Give it a watch! Then share, share, share. You can send the link to patients before or after their appointments, share the video on your social media channels, or even embed the video on your website! It is yours to use for patient education! Your patients are going to love it!
Okay, I’ll talk to you again soon. In the meantime…
- Keep being awesome.
- Educate your patients.
- Change the world!
Your patients need you, perhaps more than ever. You are essential.
Dr. Kimberly