What Therapies do you Offer in your Practice?
As holistic practitioners, we all tend to believe very deeply in the therapies we offer. We build an arsenal of treatment techniques through our experiences with patients, and we always seek new knowledge and new tools that could make a difference.
The truth is, just like we’re always learning new things, many patients are learning new things about holistic medicine, too! We’ve heard of many patients interested in light therapy, non-needle acupuncture techniques, ear acupuncture or acupressure, and more. Are you offering any of these useful and popular therapies to your patients who need or request them? You should be!
In this blog post, we’ll highlight some popular, effective, non-needle therapies your patients may be requesting, and how you can easily incorporate them into your practice.
But First, What do you Use for Objective Diagnosis?
It’s really important to lay a proper foundation for the work you do in your practice. If you can help patients understand what’s wrong and HOW you can help them, you’ve already done a big portion of the heavy lifting! AcuGraph not only accomplishes that goal by providing real-time insight into your patient’s meridian energetics via a simple, 3-minute exam at acupuncture source points, but also keeps your patients engaged and committed to their treatments. Because they can see the changes and progress from your care, patients of AcuGraph practitioners stick around.

The most important tool we recommend for any holistic practice is AcuGraph. With AcuGraph, you can more easily find and retain patients, commit to their treatment plan, and keep them motivated by showing them that your treatment is working and they are improving after every visit.
If you aren’t using AcuGraph in your practice yet, now is a fantastic time! First, because we just introduced our ACP certification and training program. This means that you can become an AcuGraph Certified Practitioner (ACP) and show your patients and fellow practitioners that you are properly trained and know what you’re doing with the AcuGraph system. You can learn more about the certification and training program here.

AcuGraph Practice Builder Package
With AcuGraph, you’ll conduct a 2-minute, guided exam to measure electrical skin resistance at acupuncture source points on your patient’s hands and feet. With the exam findings, AcuGraph creates a simple graph of your patient’s meridian energetics (qi). The graph shows your patient where their energy is out of balance, and what symptoms may be caused by these imbalances. It gives you deeper insight into your patient’s energetic pattern—helping you build a powerful treatment plan that’s uniquely tailored to their needs.

Therapy #1: Light Therapy
Light therapy is growing in popularity around the world as an easy, safe, holistic and effective at-home treatment option–but there are also many patients who seek out light therapy in-office from holistic practitioners.
Science continues to reveal exciting new things about light therapy. Light is so versatile, with benefits ranging from improved mental health, to antimicrobial properties, to increased circulation and decreased pain and inflammation after injury. It only makes sense that practitioners should be well-versed in the different kinds of light therapy and potential benefits for patients.
One of the best forms of light therapy for healing is infrared light. It’s soothing and analgesic, and it helps improve circulation and reduce inflammation where applied. We particularly love infrared light for infants and children as it is painless, extremely non-invasive and very effective.
Another exciting use for infrared light is to speed healing after exercise and potentially improve performance. Check out the experience of Mackenzie Agnew, a fitness guru and influencer who incorporates the Photizo infrared light in her training.

Photizo Pain Relief – Red & Infrared Light in a Convenient Package
Our device of choice for infrared light treatment? The Photizo Pain Relief! Photizo delivers a powerful healing dose of light in a timed, 40 second sequence with varying frequencies that target healing and pain relief.

The Photizo Pain Relief
At the touch of a single button, Photizo Pain Relief administers a pre-programmed treatment with an effective dose of healing light for the treatment of many chronic pain and inflammatory conditions.
Lasers – The Perfect Non-Needle Technique
Another form of light therapy is laser. We’ve found red and blue lasers to be the most effective. Traditionally, red light is used to tonify, while blue light is used to sedate. Frequency is important, so make sure if you plan to use lasers professionally, you invest in the real deal!

The Professional Deluxe Laser Set
Stimulating, red laser light and calming, blue light have been proven by decades of use. Red light has traditionally been associated with energy and tonification while blue light has been associated with relaxation, sedation, and tranquility. Both the QiPulse and QiCalm Professional Lasers are comfortable and easy to use with a “latching” on/off switch.

Therapy #2: Microcurrent
Microcurrent is perhaps one of the best-known therapies among holistic practitioners. It’s safe, gentle, non-invasive, and extremely versatile. Essentially, microcurrent helps tune and balance the body’s own electrical currents.
Many practitioners use microcurrent at acupuncture points for a non-needle treatment option, but it can also treat broader areas or target specific regions. One of the most interesting and powerful uses for microcurrent we’ve discovered is in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia with the CES Ultra.
The CES Ultra
CES (cranial-electrotherapy stimulation) is an extremely well-studied therapy for anxiety and insomnia. In fact, it has performed better than pharmaceuticals in clinical trials! The CES Ultra is an FDA-cleared device with a robust safety record decades deep. It has helped thousands of patients get their lives back from the clutches of anxiety and insomnia.
CES works by emitting a tiny electrical current through the ear lobes and into the hypothalamus of the brain. It mimics and regulates electrical pulses naturally occurring in the brain. When the electrical currents of the brain are regular and consistent, neurotransmitter production and mood also become more regular and the brain begins to self-regulate. Thus, the beneficial effects of CES therapy continue even after the user discontinues treatment. CES is non-invasive and non-addictive. Results are cumulative, with most patients experiencing results within about 3 weeks of consistent treatment.
With more and more patients suffering from anxiety disorders and trouble sleeping (the two often go hand-in-hand) it has never been more essential for practitioners to offer effective, affordable, and accessible alternatives to pharmaceutical treatment where appropriate. Patients NEED CES right now, and practitioners are the front-line vehicle to get this therapy into desperate hands.
We highly recommend renting, loaning, or selling CES Ultra in your practice so that patients who need it can use it at home. Even though weekly treatments in an office setting are helpful, the most dramatic and lasting results come from daily at-home use.
The good news is, as a practitioner, you can get CES Ultra at seriously discounted rates when you buy in bulk (wholesale pricing starts at just 2 units.) If you’re interested in wholesale pricing, give us a call at 208.846.8448! If you’d rather your patients purchase from us directly, you can also make 20% commission on their purchases by signing up as an affiliate.

Wholesale Pricing starts at just 2 CES Ultra units for practitioners! Or, save $80 on one unit!
Get 1 CES Ultra unit for $299, or 2+ CES Ultra units for $199 each as a practitioner! Call us at 208.846.8448 to place your wholesale order!

Therapy #3: Auriculotherapy
Finally, the last therapy we’d highly recommend incorporating is Auriculotherapy. Auriculotherapy is a non-invasive acupuncture technique that uses tiny acupuncture points on the ear to treat the entire body. It has grown in popularity due to the NADA protocol for addiction and the daith piercing for migraines. More and more patients know that auriculotherapy really works and are seeking a practitioner who can safely perform it!
You can treat the ear with needles, but we find it much simpler, cleaner and more effective to use a microcurrent device that both locates AND treats points. The best device we’ve found to accomplish this is the Pointoselect Digital.
The Pointoselect Digital
The Pointoselect Digital combines positive and negative point detection, advanced treatment protocols, and popular preset frequencies in one powerful device. It’s everything you need for effective, convenient body and ear point treatment!
A Truly Dynamic Duo
The Pointoselect Digital plus our Auriculo 360 auriculotherapy reference software make a powerful team when it comes time to treat. Use Auriculo 360 to look up protocols for hundreds of symptoms and conditions. View the protocols on a completely 3D, moveable ear. Locate active points in the protocol with the Pointoselect Digital. Treat using a preset frequency. BOOM! A quick auriculotherapy treatment that really works! We hear pretty amazing stories from practitioners about their results when they combine a complete and robust reference software with a multifaceted treatment device. We think you’ll be really impressed, too!

Get a FREE YEAR of Auriculo 360 with your Pointoselect Digital purchase!
Get a FREE YEAR of our auriculotherapy reference software, Auriculo 360, when you purchase the Pointoselect. That’s a $129 value, absolutely free with your purchase! Just add both products to your cart and the discount will automatically apply.
Thanks for The Work You Do
As a holistic practitioner, you’re filling a very important and special role in our society today. Western Medicine certainly has its place and we’re grateful for it–but the truth is, patients need you, too. They crave holistic, non-invasive options that seek to remedy the underlying cause of disease, rather than just treating symptoms. They seek alternatives to addictive and/or dangerous pharmaceuticals. And they need your passion for healing and your faith in the body’s natural mechanisms to heal and thrive independently when obstacles are removed.
Thank you for the work you’re doing in our world today. As ever, we are eager to help, bless and serve, and we are constantly seeking out new information, new therapies, and new systems that make a difference for practitioners like you, and patients like yours.
Questions? Comments? Don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.
Thanks For Reading!
-Dr. Adrian Larsen

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