Hey, Dr. Larsen here! It’s been a minute since I’ve popped in on the blog to say two extremely important and simple words: Thank you. Thank you for being our customers, for sticking with us through the thick and thin of the last three years, and for continuing to trust us on your journey.
Join Us For A Brand New, Totally Different CEU Course!

We know it’s time to give back, which why I’m very excited to announce that we’ve got a BRAND NEW and TOTALLY DIFFERENT course coming your way in just a few short weeks—and better yet, it’s approved for 1 CE credit through NCCAOM (and totally free to you!)
This short course is the brain-child of our newest associates, Dr. Mackenzie Agnew. She’s a long-time, avid AcuGraph User, and is very passionate about merging Western medical testing with traditional Chinese Medicine and AcuGraph diagnosis to help patients with hormone imbalances, challenging menstrual cycles and fertility struggles. This course will barely scratch the surface of everything she’s uncovered, but it will hopefully pave the way for a future deep-dive course ALL about hormones and how they relate to Chinese Medicine.
Sign up for the course here >>
If you have any interest in learning more about hormones, the menstrual cycle and how it relates to Chinese Medicine, this would be a fantastic course for you. Dr. Mackenzie will share the processes she uses for diagnosis, some of her favorite treatment techniques, and how to re-evaluate along the patient’s path to healing.
In this Live Class You’ll Learn:
- How to recognize common meridian imbalances which contribute to Shen disturbance pre- and intra- menstruation
- How to use multiple forms of diagnosisincluding meridian graphing, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and lab work/hormonal testing
- How to create a treatment plan which addresses the underlying imbalancesAND help with acute symptoms
- How to combine multiple modalities(cranial electrotherapy stimulation, needles and/or bodywork, dietary, herbal and exercise recommendations, supplementation, emotional clearing, infrared heat)
- How to understand signs of improvement on the path to healing (common timeframes, progress and setbacks, etc)

A Message About the Course From Dr. Mackenzie:
When I was 6 years old, I would pretend the instruction manual for IKEA furniture assembly was my homework, and then I would sit my baby sister down and make her “learn” from me. I have always dreamed of being so deeply passionate about something, studying it in depth, and then teaching others. So, naturally, am I extremely excited to present my VERY first course, “Diagnosing and Treating Cycle-Related Shen Disturbances.”
In my practice, I treat a wide variety of patterns and syndromes, but I I feel most drawn to:
- Poop (and digestive issues in general)
- Hormones (and specifically, their connection to our emotions)
I figured my first course probably shouldn’t be about poop, because I don’t want to scare everyone away (but you can bet that a POOP 101 course is coming sometime in the future!)
90% of my female patients (and myself!) experience symptoms caused hormonal imbalances. Because I can’t dive into every kind of imbalance I treat in my practice during this short course, I thought I’d focus on one of the most debilitating aspects of the menstrual cycle for so many women: emotional disturbances.
What Qualifies Me to Teach This Course?
Though I am still in the humble beginnings of my Chinese Medicine career, I have spent the last several years as a personal trainer (and as a woman) researching the menstrual cycle and how it is linked to emotional struggles (Shen Disturbances). I have personally struggled with hormonal imbalances that have led to an increase in emotional issues, and now as a practitioner, I treat patients each day with debilitating emotional struggles during their cycles. It is my aim to spread awareness and empower practitioners AND individuals to learn about the cycle, learn what’s actually normal (common does not always equal normal) and how to optimize diet, medicine, and lifestyle to lessen symptoms during menstruation and achieve greater balance in the meridians, and in the hormones.
I am VERY excited to share what I’ve learned with you, and I’m excited that you’ll be able to get CE credit for attending, too!
So, come join me on Friday Sept 9th for a 60 min session that’s a very basic INTRODUCTION to the processes I use when treating hormonal imbalances in my acupuncture practice. You will learn about common hormonal imbalances, Shen disturbances how they present in symptoms, and the treatment protocols I use on myself, and with patients.
Sign up for the course here >>
p.s: If patients are interested in attending and learning more about their cycles, by all means, invite them! I will discuss needle – free options as well!
Dr. Larsen & Dr. Makenzie