If the fear of missing out on the Acupuncture Growth Symposium this year in Boise, ID is giving you a serious case of FOMO, especially since you’re based in Europe, fear not! We’ve got your back. The countdown has begun for our highly anticipated Amsterdam Acupuncture Seminar, when we return to Amsterdam on November 4-5, 2023, where we’re bringing you an immersive weekend of live acupuncture training. Sponsored by both Miridia Technology and Tal Tao Acupuncture, this event is your ticket to elevating your practice.
With a significant number of European practitioners unable to journey to the United States for our live trainings, this year’s Amsterdam training offers the ideal chance for you, our European colleagues, to engage in a Miridia Technology training session!
Host and owner of Tal Tao Acupunctuur, Tal (short for Chantal), writes:
“Every year I am looking so forward to organize this seminar because we meet so many AcuGraph lovers and users from all over the world and everyone with their own experiences, skills and expertise in the Traditional Chinese medicine. The world needs us!”
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Event Details: Amsterdam Acupuncture Seminar
Date and time: 4 & 5 November 2023
Price: €444 for two days [If you register early, price is only €400!! — register before October 31]
€222 for 1 day
Teacher: Dr. Kimberly Thompson — Miridia Acupuncture Technology, Idaho US
Prerequisites: Acupuncturists and TCM therapists or last year students of TCM
Accreditation: Zhong, NVA, NWP. Members of the NAAV can apply for accreditation later.
Location: Hotel van de Valk Breukelen, Free parking
Address: Stationsweg 91, 3621 LK Breukelen, Netherlands
Language: English
Click Here to Register
Tal Tao Acupunctuur has you covered!
Unlimited food and drinks throughout the day.
Coffee, tea, mineral water, drinks, sweet mints and fruit.
Extensive hot and cold lunch buffet.
This Year’s Theme:
The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment of “Medical Lost Causes”
Day 1
AcuGraph: A Modern Diagnostic Tool that Makes Sense.
- Embracing modern objective diagnostics for better clinical results
- Creating a report of findings that fits YOUR medicine
- A patient education system that is easy to understand
- A link to western medicine integration
- Electronic medical records made easy
- Demonstration and hands on practicum
Patient Education: The First Visit and Beyond
- Learn how digital analysis can help your patients transition to wellness patients.
- Learn how to set realistic expectations for patient outcomes.
- Teaching your patients what to expect during the acupuncture journey.
- Learning how to transition patient from acute care to wellness care.
Day 2
Acupuncture Channel Theory: The Secret Sauce to Successful Treatment of “Medical Lost Causes”
- Learn how to recognize, understand and analyze difficult health conditions through digital analysis of the acupuncture pathways.
- Learn how to confidently utilize acupuncture channel theory to simply explain WHY other treatment modalities have not brought resolution of symptom in the past.
- Gain confidence in developing a treatment plan that makes sense, for long-term treatment success, even when treating difficult, hard-to-treat health conditions.
- Utilize the power of acupuncture channel theory to to create a storehouse of wisdom which will catapult your creativity and intuition as a practitioner.
- Practice meridian analysis for hard-to-treat medical conditions.
Technology and Tools: Practical Resources to Up-level Your Skillset and Expedite your Treatment Results
- Gain confidence in utilizing electroacupuncture to expedite the process of energetically balancing the acupuncture pathways.
- Learn how to utilize Light Therapy to enhance treatment outcomes.
- Learn how to harness the power of Vibrational Therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Click HERE to Register
Dr. Kimberly Thompson writes:
Every acupuncturist evolves over the years. I doubt that you are treating exactly the same as you were when you graduated college.
The same is true with me.My clinic has evolved, A lot!
I’m excited to teach you how to utilize the power of AcuGraph at a whole new level!