An acupuncturist and a massage therapist meet up to play with a brand new light therapy AcuPoint treatment device known as the Gunalight. They weren’t exactly sure what to expect from the experience… Magic happened.
I’m Dr. Kimberly Thompson. I’m an acupuncturist. Before I was an acupuncturist, I was a massage therapist. When I worked on patients, I felt “something” in my hands. I didn’t know at the time that I was feeling the energy of the points and pathways. After my journey through acupuncture school, my whole world expanded. I could touch the points. I could feel the energy. When treating points, I could sense the energy moving through my patient’s bodies.
My friend, Lindsay Hurst, is a massage therapist. She feels the same stuff. She has always been very intuitive. Once, she asked me how she could develop her ability to feel and help people heal. I encouraged her to go to massage school and get a ‘license to touch’ so that opportunities for growth would open for her. She did just that. Now—I’d say she is the most amazing massage therapist that I know. She gets it. She feels all the feels. She is amazing!
The Gunalight:

Crystalline Light Therapy
The Gunalight is a powerful treatment tool which utilizes crystalline light to stimulate acupuncture points–thus helping to create movement of energy through the acupuncture meridians. Movement of energy in the acupuncture pathways leads to improved circulation, an increased production of antibodies, and a reduction in inflammatory markers.
Replenish Qi
The Gunalight’s unique restructured light has the unique advantage of containing the whole visible light spectrum–so it introduces energy into the system with all the helpful wavelengths included. This amazing light replenishes depleted Qi and rebuilds energy reserves.
But does it work?
As always, when I am introducing any new tool into my acupuncture clinic it has to pass the three tests.
It has to be easy.
Patients have to enjoy the experience.
AND—of course it has to work!
Here’s what we found:
1. Easy to implement.
The Gunalight is super easy to use during treatment. Find the point. Touch the point with the Gunalight. Fill the point with Qi.
You can use it yourself, or you can teach your staff members how to use it. In our clinic, we have trained our staff to support the acupuncture treatment with Gunalight therapy. Many of our patients are now giving themselves a daily dose of Gunalight Therapy at home to support their treatment plan and expedite the healing process.
2. Feels GOOD.
The best way to know what the patient will experience is to become the patient yourself. That’s what my friend Lindsay and I did. We spent weeks meeting up to “play” with the Gunalight. I’d treat her and she’d treat me, then we’d report our findings.
Our experience was amazing. Here’s what Lindsay said when she experienced treatment with the Gunalight for the first time!
“While you were treating each point, it felt like butter melting on a warm pancake.”
It doesn’t get much better than that, right?
Here’s a synopsis of the differing sensations we both experienced while giving and receiving Gunalight treatment:
- A sensation of warmth and tingling, radiating up the arm and/or leg.
- Activation of internal organs.
- Energy moving along a pathway then getting stuck as it tried to move forward.
- The opening of chakras.
- The lingering sensation of warm/cold at acupuncture points after they were treated.
The Patient Experience…
Some patients are more sensitive to feeling light than others. You don’t have to feel it in order for it to work.
Having said that, I was surprised at the vast number of patients who really did feel it! It was fun to watch their eyes light up when they recognized that they could feel subtle energetic changes in their body.
“Patients love the Gunalight experience!”
They also recognized that their acupuncture treatment is more powerful with the Gunalight. Patients are now utilizing the Gunalight at home for self-care to supplement their treatment plan. It didn’t take long before patients began sharing treatment options with family and friends.
Patients are also reporting greater relaxation and an incredible night of sleep after treatment. Tiredness is a sign that the body is going into sympathetic healing mode once the acupuncture pathways are treated, and our bodies heal better when we sleep.
3. Effective!
As always, when I am working with any new tool in my acupuncture clinic, my first goal is to see if it REALLY balances the acupuncture pathways.
My answer is YES! The Gunalight effectively moves qi. AcuGraph is my source of proof!
My massage therapist friend, Lindsay, and I did a lot of experimentation. We both took the liberty of coming up with treatment plans that would be conducive to our own style of treatment. We graphed each other first, then we treated, then we graphed again afterwards.

This was a wonderful opportunity for Lindsay and I to explore. We were both able to feel “all the feels” and discuss the Gunalight experience—from both the patient and the practitioner point of view.
The changes in the graph happened quickly!
How am I Using Gunalight Clinically?
The philosophy of moving crystalline light energy through the acupuncture points and into the meridian pathway without a needle opens up unlimited possibilities for acupuncturists and energy healers alike.
The sky’s the limit for expanding the potential of the Gunalight for balancing the acupuncture pathways.
It’s powerful, it’s effective and it’s convenient.
Here are some of the ways that I am utilizing the Gunalight in my clinic daily.
- Entry/Exit Point Treatment
- Neuropathy Point Stimulation
- Activation of the Chakras
- Extraordinary Vessel Treatment
- Patient at Home Supplemental Treatment
- AND—SELF care for ME
Gunalight for the WIN!
There you have it. An acupuncturist and a massage therapist got together to play. The experience exceeded our expectations.
Our final analysis… It was FUN!
“It’s kinda like a golden magic finger–but it’s NOT!”
Now I use it at my clinic daily. I also keep one in my purse so that I can treat my grandkid, my friends, and myself.
Try Gunalight for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!
~Dr. Kimberly

This is great non invasive , easy to handle tool in the armoury of Real Accupuncturist. Pre massage therapy tool guided by Acugraph.