Picture this: A patient walks into your clinic. They’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and running out of hope.
They’ve tried everything. Pain relievers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic care—even surgery. None of it worked. Someone, somewhere, mentioned acupuncture as a last resort. And now, here they are, sitting in front of you, looking for answers.
What do you do?
Are you leveraging the full power of AcuGraph to give this patient the hope—and the results—they desperately need?
Here’s What I Do
I start by talking about the acupuncture pathways.
I explain that these pathways are like an intricate map running throughout the body. One pathway flows into the next, affecting muscles, internal organs, and even emotions along the way. It’s all connected.
Then, I show them a short video that explains how AcuGraph works.
This helps the patient visualize what I’m about to do and sets the stage for understanding their results.
After that, I perform an AcuGraph analysis.

The Power of the Graph
This is where I take a step back to look at the whole picture. I’m not just searching for a single pathway causing the problem—I’m analyzing how all the pathways are interacting.
For example, let’s talk about a patient who came to me with chronic knee pain.

The Graph: Chronic Knee Pain
When I analyzed their graph, the first thing that stood out was an EXCESS in the Small Intestine, Triple Energizer, and Large Intestine pathways.
What do these pathways have in common?
They all traverse the shoulder. But here’s the kicker—they also connect to the knees.
Two Graphics… One showing the shoulder. Internal showing the knees.
Next, I looked at the graph from the perspective of energy flow. What happens to the energy after those excess pathways? Sure enough, there were significant deficiencies in the Stomach, Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Gallbladder, and Liver pathways—all of which also pass through the knees.

This imbalance—excess above and deficiency below—was the real reason behind their chronic knee pain. Energy blockages in the upper body were leading to weakness in the lower body pathways.
How This Sets Us Apart
At this point, I explained something critical to the patient:
“All of the other doctors you’ve seen were only focused on your knees. They looked at the pain site, not the bigger picture. Here’s what makes acupuncture—and this clinic—different: we focus on changing the flow of energy in all of your acupuncture pathways, not just your knees.”
This simple explanation is a game-changer for patients.
They realize that no one else has considered how interconnected their body truly is. And when they can see this in their graph, it clicks. They trust the process. And trust is where the real healing begins.
The Takeaway
The reason other therapies haven’t worked for your patients is simple: no one else is looking at the whole picture. No one else is addressing the flow of energy through the acupuncture pathways.
In my experience, when the acupuncture pathways are flowing as they should, 80% of a patient’s symptoms fall away.
Your job isn’t just to resolve their knee pain—or their back pain, shoulder pain, or insomnia. Your job is to get the energy flowing, and AcuGraph helps you show them exactly how you’re going to do it.
Learn to Speak the Language of AcuGraph
If you can learn to talk to your patients about their health concerns using the visuals on the graph, you’ll help them feel confident in your ability to resolve their chief complaint. And that confidence? It’s the foundation for trust—and results.
Now that we’ve explored why other therapies fall short, let’s look at how AcuGraph can help you stand out—even in the face of today’s dry needling debate.
In the next post, I’ll explain The Difference Between Dry Needling and Meridian Therapy: A New Perspective, using AcuGraph as your guide. Trust me, this is a conversation you’ll have again and again.
Interested in learning more about AcuGraph? Click HERE to learn more about AcuGraph!
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