Webinar: Acupuncture Proof, Placebo and Powerful Marketing

Free Webinar: Acupuncture Proof, Placebo and Powerful Marketing 4.9/5 (61)

Have you ever had someone ask you for acupuncture proof? Or have you ever been told that “it’s just placebo”? I have, and more regularly than I ever expected I would. Clearly, word gets around that it can’t be proven, or it doesn’t actually work. Acupuncture is widely maligned in “science” and the popular press as nothing more than an elaborate, theatrical placebo. Yet, important studies refute this notion and show there is more to acupuncture than... Read more

Acupuncture Practice Opportunities

Well, it Happened. How do we Move Forward? 4.93/5 (58)

Post-apocalyptic Acupuncture Practice Opportunities Wow. Almost nobody saw it coming. We thought it was a sure thing; the outcome was a foregone conclusion. And yet, when it hit, it caught nearly everyone by surprise, resulting in shock, fear, uncertainty, even outrage. Who even suspected we’d end up here? No, I’m not talking about the election—yet. But I easily could be, couldn’t I? The scenario does have a certain familiar ring. Actually, I was talking about the Great... Read more

What is the Graph REALLY Showing? 4.97/5 (65)

This year, just for a change, I attended the ACEP conference in Santa Clara, California. It was a great experience, but what was most surprising was what it taught me about AcuGraph and the “energy” it measures.  You might be surprised at what I learned. I’ll cut to the chase and tell you up front, AcuGraph is measuring more than I thought it was. When people ask me what is being measured, I usually respond along the... Read more

Special AcuGraph Training at PCOM with Dr. Jake Fratkin 5/5 (53)

I’m so excited about this announcement, I won’t even bother giving a flowery introduction. I’ll just get right to it: Dr. Jake Fratkin has finally agreed to spill the beans! There, I feel better. Now for some background: Renowned acupuncturist and author Jake Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac., has used AcuGraph on every one of his patients since 2012. During that time he’s developed certain special protocols that take AcuGraph insights to a whole new level, and get... Read more

nogier auriculotherapy seminar

Auriculotherapy Gems from Dr. Nogier 5/5 (52)

The webinar this month is going to be a little different than the webinars we have done in the past because this is going to be an Auriculotherapy Webinar. A few days ago I was sitting in class learning from Dr. Nogier about the history and direct application of acupuncture and auriculotherapy. The seminar was absolutely remarkable! While Kimberly and I were sitting there learning all the wonderful things, it occurred to us that instead of the webinar we... Read more

Did You Know? Teach patients to self-treat at home with Home Care! 5/5 (56)

Did you know AcuGraph 5 has a built in framework for sending patients home with instructions and images of acupuncture points that they can treat at home to continue improvement? With a single click you can mark any of the points from your treatment plan for Home Care.    Why should I make Home Care suggestions? If you’re not doing it yet, using Home Care treatment options is a good idea for 3 reasons: Improved Outcomes: When your patient... Read more

A “Little” Something New – Acupuncture Stickers! 5/5 (50)

Here’s something cool…At our last big acupuncture convention in Florida (FSOMA) we brought these “little” Acupuncture Stickers with us to the booth–and it was a BIG hit. Everyone wanted one. Before I talk about what I did, let me tell you why I did it… You are probably in the same position I was! So, here’s the story… I go to a number of shows every year, and I’m always looking for something that can help me... Read more

AcuGraph Webinar: Outside the Box – 3 AcuGraph Case Studies 5/5 (50)

If your goal is to become an EXPERT in AcuGraph Analysis, you are in for a treat! Kimberly is doing a special webinar specifically related to graph analysis; patient education; and her own unique treatment strategies. Kimberly is excellent at graph analysis. You’ve read her strategies via the Case Study Book and our blog, and many of you have even taken Kimberly’s “Expert Graph Analysis” continuing education course. This webinar is one you will NOT... Read more

Lasers are Beautiful! 5/5 (57)

I have a lot of wellness patients in my clinic who come in for regular tune-ups. Most of them no longer have extreme problems, but they still love to come in for acupuncture on a regular basis. I think it’s because I spoil them. Lately, I’ve been doing something new on both old and new patients. New patients don’t realize that my technique is new, but long-term patients are noticing that something is “different” with... Read more

AcuGraph is celebrating a Birthday! 5/5 (50)

AcuGraph 5 is turning 1 year old this week. When I realized this, it made me sit back and think for a few minutes about a few things: AcuGraph 1 was first available for sale in the fall of 2003. This 1 year birthday of AcuGraph 5 is also a celebration of 13 years of continuing AcuGraph innovation and development. That’s quite an accomplishment, and one I’m very proud of. The pace of development and growth... Read more

Did You Know? AcuGraph Online Account Portal 5/5 (49)

Did you know AcuGraph has an online account portal. Plus, a step-by-step instructions for how to get the most out of AcuGraph in your practice? It also has software, service and support plan and billing information, as well as access to ongoing live-training webinars, the practitioner directory, and more! To access it, click here. AcuGraph Online Account Portal At the login page you will need to enter your AcuGraph service plan credentials to complete your login.... Read more

How to Pay for your AcuGraph–in One Month! 5/5 (50)

OK, I know the title is ambitious. Paying for a $2,000+ investment in one month may seem like a bit much for many acupuncture practices. Things can be tough out there, and too many practices struggle. But I’m not kidding when I say this is possible. In fact, not only is it possible, but in my opinion, it’s a MUST for anyone who plans to invest in AcuGraph. So in this post, I’m going to show you... Read more

Are YOU Popular? 5/5 (44)

Do you wanna know what’s FUN? It’s fun to be POPULAR! Popularity doesn’t come easy in my world. Let’s face it, I’m a mother of 9. How often are you popular when you are a MOM? I have to make my kids do all the stuff they don’t really want to do. So, as you can imagine, I’m NOT popular very often when I’m at home. But, when I go out into the acupuncture world, it’s... Read more

August Webinar: Common AcuGraph Mistakes 5/5 (48)

How Many of these Common AcuGraph Mistakes are you Making? In this live webinar, we’ll dive into our treasure trove of rookie, and not-so-rookie mistakes to highlight some of the ways AcuGraph users miss the mark. Of course, the upshot is that by showing you what NOT to do, we’ll help you learn better ways to get even more out of your AcuGraph investment. Whether you’re an AcuGraph beginner or seasoned user, you’re guaranteed to... Read more

Why a Screening Exam for AcuGraph? 4.96/5 (55)

I’m often asked: “What is the AcuGraph Screening Exam?” That’s a good question. An even better one might be, “WHY do I need the AcuGraph Screening Exam?” I’ll answer both of these questions in this post today. Benefits of the AcuGraph Screening Exam 1. The AcuGraph Screening Exam provides 2 tools in one:  First, it gives you the Screening Exam Mode, which assesses only the client’s hands. This eliminates the need to ask strangers to remove their shoes... Read more