
Acupuncture Point: Gallbladder 30 (GB 30) 4.97/5 (58)

Gallbladder 30 is found deep under the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus… It is by far the best point out there for the treatment of sciatic pain and piriformis syndrome. Down below the glute muscles there is a little short fat muscle called the piriformis. The piriformis attaches from the sacrum to the hip. The sciatic nerve is under the piriformis muscle. When you treat Gallbladder 30, you actually get the piriformis muscle to relax... Read more

Acupuncture Point: Spleen 9 (SP 9) 4.87/5 (106)

Spleen 9 (SP 9) is a powerful point. It's main function in Chinese medicine is to resolve "dampness". Dampness is not a normal diagnostic term used in western medicine, but it is actually quite simple to understand. When the Spleen and the Stomach channels are working together digestion runs smoothly, water and nutrients are well absorbed, and the the body metabolizes food intake well. Read more

Acupuncture Point: Conception Vessel 1 4.98/5 (56)

Although Conception Vessel 1 (CV 1), also called Ren 1, is rarely used in acupuncture due to its invasive location. However, it is interesting to note that this point connects the conception vessel with the governing vessel. Most acupuncturists will choose distal points along acupuncture channels to activate this point location. Chakra Connection: Conception Vessel 1 matches the location for the root chakra. The root chakra represents our foundation, survival, and ability to flourish and thrive. *Because of the invasive... Read more