5 Steps to improve your marketing 5/5 (44)

How do you build a successful practice? A major goal of our 2014 Seminar was to give you the answer to that question. It all starts with a framework. Imagine building a house without proper framing…it simply wouldn’t work! Day 3 of the seminar is designed to give you the tools you need to effectively build and market your practice. There are 5 key elements you’ll learn Creating your identity: The foundation of a practice... Read more

My Top “10” from Kimberly’s Seminar…. 5/5 (43)

A highlight of every seminar is the opportunity to learn from my colleagues. Our 2014 seminar was full of NEW information. Kimberly was at the top of her game and shared tons of great clinical wisdom. Now, if I’m Kimberly’s boss, owner of the company, and the guy who originally taught her about meridian graphing, you’d think she couldn’t teach me anything new, right? Wrong! Kimberly taught me all sorts of incredible things I didn’t... Read more

I Felt it in My Fingers First – Part 1 (Entry Exit Points) 4.98/5 (46)

As many of you know, I was a massage therapist for about a dozen years before I became an acupuncturist. While I was in college to learn TCM, I was blessed with the opportunity to transform my massage clients into road maps of discovery. The walls of my treatment room were always covered with handmade pictures and notes of whatever I was studying at the time. As my hands explored the acupuncture channels, my fingers... Read more

Have you Noticed these 5 Trends in Acupuncture? 5/5 (44)

Sometimes I need to see the bigger picture. I’m reminded of the story of the logger who is so busy working in the forest, harvesting and hauling trees, that he never takes time to stop and consider the forest itself. So from time to time, I like to take a step back from my day-to-day work and consider the acupuncture profession in general. I’ve worked in and around the profession for the last 14 years, which doesn’t... Read more

Overcoming Addiction with Auriculotherapy 5/5 (43)

Caffeine addiction can be powerful and all too common! After months of researching Auriculotherapy and finishing up the final stages of our Auriculo 360 program, a business associate and husband of a patient of mine, approached me with a question.  He wanted to know if acupuncture could help him overcome his caffeine addiction. Can it???  I knew the answer right away….  You bet it can, absolutely! In this video case study you will hear first-hand... Read more

Experts Say This Is The Next Big Thing 5/5 (42)

Hello Friends, If you didn’t get to attend the 8th International Symposium Of Auriculotherapy in Baltimore last month, you really missed out. There were top-name international speakers, outstanding presentations, and the latest products and tools for auriculotherapy. Congratulations to everyone who put so much work into organizing this event! I was particularly pleased to see the most up-and-coming trend in auriculotherapy technology. You’ll never guess what it was! OK, if you know me or you’re... Read more

It’s Fun Knowing Stuff – But Try not to Show Off! 5/5 (43)

Do you know stuff? I’m sure you do! As practitioners, we all need a ready store of knowledge for quick retrieval and use when treating patients. And no doubt, you’ve got an awful lot of that kind of stuff in your head. Probably so much, in fact, that some has leaked out. That’s what happens to me from time to time. Auriculotherapy, especially, can tax the memory of the best of us–with hundreds of points... Read more

Knee Pain & the Older Patient 5/5 (51)

I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a special bond with older people. When I was a little girl, my family used to call me a “little old lady” because I wore glasses and could often be found sitting next to my grandma with a crochet hook or knitting “needles” in hand. My fondness toward the elderly has continued to grow over the years. I love to learn from older people and for some... Read more

Belief and Healing: Part 3 5/5 (42)

In the first part of this series, we discussed the power of belief as it relates to healthcare outcomes. In part two, we discussed the placebo effect in acupuncture, and the tendency for medical studies to attribute acupuncture’s effects to placebo only. Now that we’ve laid that groundwork, it’s time to talk about why acupuncture is more than mere placebo–and how you can combine patient belief with proper treatment to achieve superior outcomes. First, let’s... Read more

Belief and Healing: Part 2 5/5 (42)

In my last blog, I touched on the topic of the Placebo Effect in acupuncture (click here if you missed it). To briefly review, one of the most powerful influences on patient healing is the patient’s belief about the treatment received. If the patient believes s/he is getting effective treatment, healing is much more likely. Controlled studies of the placebo effect have shown it to improve chest pain, warts, asthma, arthritis, cancer, and many other medical conditions.... Read more

Belief and Healing: Part 1 5/5 (42)

John Matzke was told he had only 18 months to live. His oncologist insisted he immediately begin aggressive treatment for the melanoma that had metastasized to his lung. But John instead took a month off to strengthen his body before the grueling treatment began. He hiked, meditated, exercised and ate organic food. A month later, his lung tumor had completely disappeared on its own. Though melanoma is one of the deadliest cancers, John never started... Read more

2 Tips for Better Spring Treatments 5/5 (43)

Spring brings Change! I get very excited in Spring. The days get longer, the weather gets warmer, flowers start to bloom, and I create a long list of things I want to accomplish–deep-cleaning, organizing, gardening, vacations, etc. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, whenever there is a seasonal change, the energetics in the atmosphere shift and the qi in our body shifts as well. You can think of the world as a macrocosm and the body... Read more

Red Laser or Blue – The Rule of Opposites 4.95/5 (58)

I get lots of questions about when to use a blue laser and when to use red. These are important questions because the right laser color has a huge effect on the outcome. You want to get this one right. So here’s a quick guide and some answers to common questions:  635 nM (RED): Tonifies–use this laser anytime you would normally tonify a meridian. Think cold, damp, or deficiency. Great for CHRONIC conditions Great for DEFICIENT... Read more

Why is there a Laser in your Living Room? 5/5 (42)

I’ve always been fascinated by lasers. So it was no surprise 14 years ago, when I received an assignment to write about a current breakthrough for my college physics class, I chose to write about blue lasers. I still have that paper, and I pulled it out today just for the sheer nostalgia of considering how I ended up so interested in blue lasers for acupuncture. The year was 2000, and the blue laser was... Read more

What are YOUR goals for 2014? 5/5 (40)

Want more success in your practice? Analysis of the results from our last Practitioner Survey can help you see what you might be missing! When you were in school how much money did you imagine you’d be making per year? Are you making that much now? If you’re like most health care professionals, you left college with a mountain of debt, fully confident you’d easily make enough money to cover the payments. Did it work... Read more