Allergies and Ears 5/5 (55)

It’s allergy season–or at least it is here in Idaho where we’ve been enjoying an early Spring. And even though major portions of the United States are still under snow, allergy season will be hitting there soon as well. My first reminder came when my daughter told me she thought she was having allergy symptoms. “Oh really?” I asked. “What’s wrong?” Her reply, “My throat is sore and my ears are itching on the inside.”... Read more

Patient Retention – Part II 5/5 (39)

Today let’s bring together the patient retention principals talked about in my blog Patient Retention – Part I and demonstrate how the AcuGraph exam can serve as the bridge to move your specialty program participants to regular care. Let’s assume you’ve done your target marketing and have a group of new specialty program clients coming in your door. They are hoping you can quickly fix this particular problem and then they’ll be DONE! Patients want to believe... Read more

Patient Retention – Part I 5/5 (40)

Do you have a successful “specialty” treatment program? I like Specialty Treatment programs! From a marketing perspective, they are excellent tools. They effectively target a VERY specific audience. They are relatively easy to promote and are often associated with a very large support group from which to attract referrals. Perhaps you invested in our Acupuncture Weight Loss Program last month? This blog is Part I of a two-part series that will help you improve the Patient Retention rate... Read more

The Spinal Connection to Acupuncture 5/5 (42)

In my last post, I talked about the multitude of physiological, energetic and even spiritual connections between the spine and the overall health of the body. Nearly every major healing system recognizes the particular importance of the spine, and many healing systems recommend manipulation, bodywork, massage, exercise, stretches, or adjustment of the spine. In short, spinal bodywork makes all healing systems more effective.  Of course, the key to successful spinal treatment is knowing WHERE to... Read more

Can Back Therapy Make Acupuncture More Effective? 5/5 (41)

Do you perform some type of back therapy with your acupuncture? Whether it’s massage, Tuina, chiropractic, or some other discipline, I’ll bet you find you get better results when you help physically move the Chi. Of course, Chi can become blocked anywhere in the body, but there’s one special area that deserves careful attention: the Spine. No other body area has so many traditional, physiological, metaphysical, and even scriptural connections to the life-force energy we... Read more

LASER vs. LED: What’s the Difference? 4.88/5 (139)

I’ve always been fascinated by light. When I was a kid, my first flashlight fascination soon developed into wiring electronic circuits and messing with LEDs. When I set out, at age 10, to build a robot, the first item I included was the lights. By the time high school came around, I was studying laser physics and wishing I could afford an actual Laser. I still remember the day I got to play with my... Read more

Bell’s Palsy – Part 3 5/5 (42)

We’ve talked about how to educate your patients about Bell’s Palsy. Now, if you’ve educated everyone well, your patients and their friends should know when to call you. Next, we talked about how to treat a Bell’s Palsy patient to get excellent results. When I finished up the last blog, I felt like something was missing. It’s been bothering me ever since. How many times have we done an awesome job treating a patient, and... Read more

Bell’s Palsy Part 2 5/5 (42)

How often do you treat Bell’s Palsy? I’m guessing not very often in relation to everything else you treat. When a Bell’s Palsy patient comes through the door, are you ready to handle the problem immediately? Before I move into the case study portion of this blog let’s take care of two issues. #1: Did you read my blog from a couple of days ago: Bell’s Palsy–Part 1? #2: I want to share a few... Read more

Bell’s Palsy–Part 1 5/5 (42)

I have a great story you are going to want to share with your patients. It involves Bell’s Palsy, a pregnant woman, AcuGraph, Auriculotherapy and this awesome text message:   Questions: Have you treated Bell’s Palsy in your clinic? Do you get great results? Have you educated your patients and community to call you IMMEDIATELY if they (or anyone they know) has a Bell’s Palsy attack? There’s no way to know when someone is going... Read more

Can Auriculotherapy Make a Difference? 5/5 (39)

What’s your Experience? Are you using it in your practice? If not, you are missing out on some amazing success stories! We get phone calls and e-mails from practitioners, almost on a daily basis, with questions and success stories regarding auriculotherapy treatment. The results that our users are getting from auriculotherapy are absolutely amazing! Take a look at this case study: Two Middle-aged Women Both patients in this example had their own weight loss, diet... Read more

Have You Seen the Studies on Weight Loss? 5/5 (39)

Hello Friends, Have you seen the studies on Auriculotherapy for weight loss? Here are a few more gems to share with your patients: 1. Study of 91 Korean women showed a 6% decrease in BMI using auricular acupuncture over 8 weeks. The women were divided into 3 groups: 5 auricular treatment points, 1 auricular treatment point, and 5-point sham treatment. Both of the groups receiving true treatment showed significant decrease in BMI, while those receiving... Read more

Look Who’s Cool! 5/5 (40)

Want to share in my excitement??? I walked into my office this morning and found the January issue of Acupuncture Today laying open on my desk. That’s not so abnormal because I’m always reading articles from Acupuncture Today. Here’s the fun part… My newest article, Acupuncture For Kids is Not Scary, made the front page! Now, just to be clear, this isn’t what makes me look cool, as I say in the title…KEEP READING… It... Read more

Laser Acupuncture & Safety 5/5 (40)

The number one reason people visit a healthcare provider is because of pain. Now consider this: the number one reason people avoid seeing an acupuncturist is because they are afraid of pain! It is hard to attract patients who are afraid of needles. Fear of needles is real and will cause potential patients to reject even the idea of acupuncture treatment. There are many ways to move chi and blood in the body! We all... Read more

Helping your Patients WIN at Weight Loss 5/5 (40)

So what happens after the most wonderful time of the year? That’s right, the most DREADED! As always, the number one New Years Resolution is to lose weight. How many of your patients this week have been talking about it, or even asking for help? If you’re like most practitioners, that answer is “Most of them.” So I’ve got some great news for you. As an acupuncture practitioner, you’ve got a LOT to offer your... Read more

Meeting with the Boss – My Annual Review! 5/5 (40)

December is my anniversary month for Miridia Technology. Adrian and I typically sit down and talk about my progress through the year. He asks me whether I met my personal goals and career goals. We talk about things that have changed and things we would like to change for the company in the future. I really look forward to our meeting because he is such a great boss and I learn so much from him.... Read more