Research Study: How Laser Acupuncture Helps Improve Brain Performance 5/5 (42)

Hello Friends, The short Alzheimer’s study I shared recently has motivated me to search for additional research into the effectiveness of Laser Acupuncture. The research cited below looks at how laser acupuncture, at various points, affects the brain. I love these quotes from the study: “The main finding of our study was that each acupoint or control point resulted in a different pattern of brain activity when contrasted against all the other acupoints or control... Read more

AcuMom goes to College 5/5 (39)

Mother of 9 goes to college! What does this mean, really? It means that even though you are taking 18-28 units per semester, you’re still in charge of laundry, errands and making lunches. Your kids don’t really care if you have a term paper to write or an exam in the morning. They don’t care that EVERY SINGLE tiny INTERRUPTION–messes up your entire thinking process! It takes a lot of creativity to get through acupuncture... Read more

Acupuncture Technology and Kids 5/5 (39)

Hello Friends, . Wouldn’t you know it? Kimberly’s done it again! . If you’ve read her articles in Acupuncture Today, her blog posts, or even her Facebook page, you know Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac. is a wealth of acupuncture information. . She’s always learning—and better yet, sharing—new acupuncture information to improve her practice. . Well, Kimberly’s been hard at work on something new, and we’re finally ready to share it with you! Her latest teaching video... Read more

Lasers, HT-7 & Alzheimer’s 4.9/5 (40)

Can Laser Acupuncture Improve Memory? I was surfing the internet and came across an article extolling the benefits of Laser Acupuncture. The headline caught my eye since I have a sister-in-law that is struggling with Alzheimer’s disease. Here are the critical nuggets from the article:   “Traditionally, acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles into acupoints. But now, thanks to advances in the use of lasers, even those who get queasy at the thought... Read more

AcuGraph 101 5/5 (37)

We’ve had quite an influx of new AcuGraph users lately. I just wanted to say welcome to the AcuGraph family! Whether you are an OLD or NEW AcuGraph user, we’ve got your back! Do you need help with treatment strategies and options? Technical support? Practice building? No problem. We can help! There are a lot of resources available to you–and the majority of them are FREE. Here are a few that you may not be... Read more

In Memoriam: Dr. Richard Yennie 4.98/5 (46)

Have you ever heard of Dr. Richard Yennie? I bet many of you have, and those of you who haven’t may be surprised to find major parts of your acupuncture lineage traced back through this amazing man. Dr. Yennie was a friend, mentor, and teacher to thousands in the acupuncture profession and a benefactor and ardent supporter of acupuncture in America. He was also my friend. He passed away October 11, 2013 at age 85.... Read more

Elbows Shouldn’t Hurt 5/5 (39)

Case Study: Yesterday I had an interesting patient. I’ve treated medial epicondylitis (also known as golfer’s elbow) many times before. This patient presented with excruciating pain in BOTH elbows. He works as a wheel repair specialist, using air driven power tools causing repetitive motion and vibration, which constantly attacks the muscular attachments in his elbows. He literally had to close down his shop because he couldn’t work. Someone told him acupuncture might help, thus he... Read more

Lend me your ears… 5/5 (36)

OK. I’ll admit the title is corny. But hopefully it got your attention. We’ve spent the last several weeks talking about the AcuGraph. Today, I’m going in a different direction. I’d like to know if you’ve used a hand-held electrical point stimulator? As you can see…I’ve tried more than a few! Each device tries to do things a little differently…yet they all fall short of the StimPlus Pro. Trust me, if any of them were... Read more

AcuGraph, Kids and Cupping 5/5 (38)

I know you’ve heard a lot from me lately about pediatrics. Especially if you follow us on Facebook! Sorry…I just can’t help it! I feel like a kid. I’m so excited; I just can’t keep it in! As you know, I run my own practice, along with my research at Miridia Technology. I don’t have a specific pediatric specialty clinic. I don’t direct my marketing towards kids. In fact, I don’t even have toys in... Read more

ADD/ADHD Case Study–Part 2 5/5 (38)

Hello! Last week we discussed ADD/ADHD from a TCM pattern perspective. Here’s the link in case you missed it. ADD/ADHD Case Study–Part 1  As a quick review, we learned that the main TCM patterns related to ADD/ADHD are: • Heat • Heat and Phlegm • Spleen Deficiency • Kidney Deficiency Today we will analyze the graph of an ADD/ADHD child–and I’ll show you how AcuGraph has been “kid tested and mother approved” in my very... Read more

ADD/ADHD Case Study–Part 1 5/5 (41)

Because I have 9 kids, I was sure when I started a practice, my focus would be on children and pregnant women–since I’ve obviously had so much experience with each. We can’t talk about treating kids with acupuncture without discussing the world-renowned, pediatric-acupuncture-specialist, Alex Tiberi. Have you ever seen or heard of Alex? I met him in my first semester at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. He arrived on his motorcycle with... Read more

TCM & the Conversion of a Skeptic 5/5 (38)

How do you view AcuGraph? If you’re like most acupuncturists, you probably have quite a bit of skepticism. So today, I’ve got a story for you. We hired Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac. nearly 4 years ago to help with some research projects we were doing. At the time, she liked the job but she was TRADITIONAL TCM practitioner! She was NOT convinced AcuGraph had anything to offer her. Here’s the story of how that changed over... Read more

The 5 Critical Steps to Practice Success! 5/5 (38)

I hear it time and time again, practitioners learn everything they need to learn in school… except for how to actually run a successful acupuncture practice. It’s common to hear that this is one of the reasons so many practitioners are attracted to AcuGraph in the first place. Marketing is more than advertising. It is the management of the patient experience. Today, I want you to see how AcuGraph helps you manage the patient experience... Read more

Acupuncture and Technology: Which group are you? 5/5 (37)

I’ve been spending some time lately reading various acupuncture blogs, news lists, and forums. (Do you do that too?) There’s lots of great information out there and much to be learned. As you might guess, posts about technology in acupuncture always catch my eye and I especially like to see how other practitioners integrate technology into their acupuncture practices. After years of watching this topic, I’ve noticed that opinions really fall into three categories. But... Read more

Neck pain, Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain and Weight Loss – 3 Case Studies 5/5 (37)

Are you utilizing auricular therapy in your practice all of the time? If not, you are missing out on some amazing success stories! I get phone calls and e-mails from practitioners, almost on a daily basis, with questions and success stories regarding auricular therapy treatment. The results that our users are getting from auricular treatment are absolutely amazing! I have used auricular therapy in my practice over the years, but lately I have begun using... Read more