I’m not afraid, are you? 5/5 (40)

I can remember one particular day in college, when I was walking down the hall to needling class. Everyone was quiet. This was the day we had all been dreading since day one. Inevitably we would have to learn to needle Ren 1 (CV 1) and Du 1 (GV 1). Not only did we have to needle one of our fellow students, we also had to be needled ourselves. You couldn’t pass the class unless... Read more

Dr. Fratkin Seminar Update 5/5 (32)

Hello Folks, Just a quick update on our upcoming live AcuGraph seminar with Dr. Fratkin. Here are the latest developments: 1. Hotels: We’ve gotten lots of requests for information about local hotels, so we’ve posted complete hotel information on the web site. The good news is that the hotels are close and affordable. 2. Pre-Seminar: Don’t forget I’ll be teaching the AcuGraph Introduction pre-seminar on Friday night from 7-9 PM. This seminar is designed as... Read more

Free AcuGraph Referral Directory 5/5 (33)

Are you looking for more ways to grow your practice and increase the number of people you can help? AcuGraph has become more and more popular among patients! We frequently have patients contact our corporate headquarters asking where they can find an AcuGraph practitioner in their area. So, with the release of AcuGraph 4.1.1, we have started a free practitioner referral directory, where you can list your practice and receive free referrals for patients seeking... Read more

Healer Heal Thy Self 5/5 (29)

There are some things in life that I tend to learn the hard way. This last week I was fighting a cold, my husband was in the hospital, and I was scheduled to teach a cooking class in my home for 20-30 people. Several people offered to help out by bringing in meals. Did I accept their offers? NO!  Any sensible person would have cancelled the cooking class. Did I? NO! Instead of slowing down,... Read more

Branch Treatments 5/5 (33)

We have talked a lot about branch treatments over the last several weeks. A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine uses the terminology ‘root and tip’ as the primary and secondary aspects of disease. The root is the primary condition and the tip is the resulting secondary condition which presents as clinically observable changes in the body. It is the damage to the root system which ultimately brings demise to the entire tree. One cannot necessarily... Read more

I am Convinced—Part 4: Root versus Branch 5/5 (38)

This a part of a 4-series blog, if you haven’t read the previous part yet, take a look at it here. Thanks for sharing in the journey of “I am Convinced.” I believe that it is our obligation, as healers, to teach what we learn so that the world can be a better place. Let’s review what we have learned in our series to this point: Part 1–Meridian Therapy: We discussed the training I received... Read more

Winning Research 5/5 (34)

Hello Friends, I’ve been back a week from the isams 2011 conference. Wondering what “isams” stands for? It’s the International Scientific Acupuncture and Meridian Symposium. It was an excellent scientific conference, with notable presenters from all over the world, presenting the latest scientific research in acupuncture. Part of the symposium is the presentation of the annual AMS awards for Acupuncture and Meridian Studies. Several awards are given in recognition of outstanding published research, with the... Read more

Building them Right 5/5 (31)

Remember This?   Or This? If you don’t remember, these pictures are from Dr. Dennis Baker’s clinic after it was hit by a tornado. The building was a complete loss, but I’m pleased to report construction has begun on a new building, to be completed in the next three months. Now I know what you’re thinking: What happened to Dr. Baker’s AcuGraph system? Did it survive? I’m glad you asked.  Dr. Baker’s AcuGraph spent some... Read more

I am Convinced—Part 3: Trust the Graph 5/5 (33)

This a part of a 4-series blog, if you haven’t read the previous part yet, take a look at it here. I have been using the AcuGraph for nearly two years. I do not doubt the evidence that electrical conductance in the acupuncture meridians is a valid basis for analyzing Qi flow. Of course, they didn’t teach me this in school. (I wonder why? Anyone know and care to share?) I was trained in Traditional... Read more

Kidney Pain and Disharmonies of Lung, Liver and Kidney Meridians Resolved After e-Therapy and Herbs 5/5 (29)

By Chris K. H. Teo & Ch’ng Beng Im-Teo TS is a 53-year-old male from Singapore. He had been having severe back pain since the past three years, but did not go for any medical treatment. A CT scan indicated a 4.1 x 3.3 x 2.9 cm well-circumscribed rounded solid-appearing mass at the inferior pole of his left kidney. He refused surgery.  After five days on the herbs and two sessions of the e-Therapy, all his... Read more

I am Convinced—Part 2: Yin Leads, Yang Follows 5/5 (32)

This a part of a 4-series blog, if you haven’t read the first part yet, take a look at it here. After I got home from Dr. Jake Fratkin’s seminar, I pulled Meridian Therapy off of the shelf and began devouring it from cover to cover. Stephen Brown autographed the book and wrote these words in the front cover: “Yin Leads, Yang Follows.” The essence of the entire book is the fact that disease starts... Read more

I am Convinced—Part 1: Meridian Therapy 5/5 (36)

I have a massive library packed full of books on Chinese Medicine—many that I used in college, and many more that I picked up along the way—with a plan to someday study them in more detail. I’m sure that you can relate. This summer I took the opportunity to force myself back into learning mode by signing up for a weekend seminar with Dr. Jake Fratkin. The subject was Meridian Balancing—using Japanese style acupuncture; and... Read more

I made my patient cry… 5/5 (32)

Last week, I put needles into my patient and she began to cry. This is not the first time that this has happened in my office. In fact, I keep a box of tissue nearby for those who cry after the needles are inserted. When you are an acupuncturist, it may not be a good idea to have a reputation of making patients cry—but sometimes there are exceptions to the rule. Case History: The patient... Read more

Wow—what a weekend! 5/5 (32)

I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Tampa, Florida for the FSOMA (Florida State Oriental Medicine Association) conference. I’ll have to admit that I pouted a little bit about going on this trip…  I’ve always wanted to go to Florida so that I could lounge on the beautiful white sandy beaches, visit the Florida Keys, and go to Disney World. I had two big obstacles in the way of enjoying my dream vacation. #1:... Read more

Great article on Digital Meridian Imaging 5/5 (31)

Hello Friends, There’s a great article up at Acupuncture Today about Digital Meridian Imaging. Monique Smith, LAc, talks about her journey from skepticism of acupuncture software to understanding, and ultimately embracing AcuGraph in her practice. Check it out here: Acupuncture Today Article When you get there, don’t forget to hit the “Plus 1” button in the upper right corner to let others know you liked the article. Then let me know what you think in... Read more