How to Explain AcuGraph to Patients: A Simple, Effective Script

Struggling to explain AcuGraph results to patients? This guide provides a simple, effective script to help practitioners confidently discuss graph readings, address common patient concerns, and build trust. Plus, download a free printable version to use in your clinic! Read more

Using AcuGraph

Part 1: Why All the Other Therapies Aren’t Working: How AcuGraph Sets You Apart 5/5 (9)

Picture this: A patient walks into your clinic. They’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and running out of hope. They’ve tried everything. Pain relievers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic care—even surgery. None of it worked. Someone, somewhere, mentioned acupuncture as a last resort. And now, here they are, sitting in front of you, looking for answers. What do you do? Read more

AcuGraph Patient Communication

Introduction: The AcuGraph Patient Education Series: Communicating Health and Healing Through AcuGraph 5/5 (11)

In this patient communication series, I’m pulling back the curtain on my clinic. I’m going to share some of the most powerful and transformative conversations I’ve had with my patients—conversations you’ve probably had too. But here’s the difference: I’ll teach you how to dig deeper, uncovering the inner wisdom of AcuGraph to take those conversations to the next level. Read more

Let’s Recap: Acupuncture Growth Symposium 2023, Boise, ID 4.91/5 (11)

Amazing Group of Practitioners  Wow! What an amazing group of practitioners and presenters we had for this year’s Acupuncture Symposium. We are truly blessed by the insight, knowledge, and camaraderie of the event this year.We learned a lot and came away inspired by all of you!! For those that couldn’t... Read more

Gunalight: It’s Kinda like a Golden Magic Finger— but it’s NOT! 4.88/5 (16)

An acupuncturist and a massage therapist meet up to play with a brand new light therapy AcuPoint treatment device known as the Gunalight. They weren’t exactly sure what to expect from the experience… Magic happened. Background: I’m Dr. Kimberly Thompson. I’m an acupuncturist. Before I was an acupuncturist, I was... Read more

holiday stress

When Holiday Stress “Hits You from Behind” 5/5 (20)

It’s the Holiday Season Is it just me, or does everyone get REALLY busy at the end of the year? The holidays stress seems to affect every area of life. I try to stay available for my patients during this busy holiday season. Sometimes my schedule is extra full, which... Read more

5 Modern Acupuncture Tools for your ‘Toolbox’ 4.92/5 (59)

If you're here, I'm sure you know that ancient Chinese medicine is laden with power, wisdom and efficacy, and that is worth holding onto. That's why we make it our mission to marry the wisdom of ancient medicine with the power, credibility and precision of modern technology, and bring those priceless combinations to you.  Read more